healthy bread and rolls

mass rookie

New member
other than whole wheat bread what rolls are healthy and good for heavy carbs while (bulking up) ? because I must be pissing out all the carbs I get from my (100grms.) twinlab fuel formula ! rook.
In order to stay fairly lean while bulking, ---almost an oxymoron, I try to consume the majority of my carbs early in the day--bread of choice-- I like Jewish Rye bread and lightly toasted it makes a great peanut butter and jelly sandwich, eat a lot of these and wash it down with a lot of milk--that should help you get the extra carbs.
what about rolls to eat with meat, like at breakfast and dinner. what other rolls are heavy in carbs ? and do you want more complex than simple to gain mass or is there a balance for them. need more sources other than potatoes and oatmeal for heavy carbs for bulking! rook.
All rolls will be high in carbs just stay away from too much white bread it is nutritionally on the same par as sugar--empty calories. Stick to heartier grainier breads they are the best. Hope all goes well with the bulking it can be a difficult endeavor. I recently started adding 100% whey to my milk--consumption which increases my calorie intake substantially, this hopefully will help pack on the additional size.
Rye and pumpernickle bread gets my vote
Flax bread is cool too
You can make your own wraps by blending some eggs and some oatmeal in a blender then making it like an omlette, it turns out like a wrap so u can wrap ur food in that, no additives or anything ;)
Muay Thai Guy said:
Rye and pumpernickle bread gets my vote
Flax bread is cool too
You can make your own wraps by blending some eggs and some oatmeal in a blender then making it like an omlette, it turns out like a wrap so u can wrap ur food in that, no additives or anything ;)

Yep rye and pumpernickel get my vote too.
Oh, and Muay Thai Guy, cool tip on the wraps!:D
Sure it could not hurt but try to get more protein, too much bread will simply make you fat you want to bulk up not get fat.
ok gotcha, but what if my protein is already at 320 and 370grms on good days. do I still need to up protein because its pretty high already? I get it from my 2 shakes nlarge 2 scoops and 2scoops of protein. soon will be swithing over to ON 100%whey. and I also get alot from lean meat, chicken, tuna, and egg protein powder with my 3 8 oz glasses of milk. so I justed wanted to add a roll to breakfast and dinner maybe at my 5th meal some wheat bread which Is a steak and a potato. because I really having trouble with getting overall size. Im totally sculpted and leaned out with alot of definition but Im doing a bulking cycle and bulking diet to BULK UP! frustrating!
I like rye a lot.

I'll have to try this pumpernickel stuff.
mass rookiee said:
string much bread do you eat ? whats your stats!

6 3"

185, 8% Hehe, nothing special.

I only eat about 4 slices of bread per week, but it's rye and sometimes wheat when I do.
i love me some bread! ive been trying to lay off these past couple of weeks (trying to cut a bit) ... trader joes has some great bread!
so will adding bread to my breakfast and dinner and maybe my 5th meal, will this help with bulking because I cant get any overall mass!
I love bread and eat Jewish Rye or 100% whole wheat bread. They are very good for you and are low GI foods.