Helladrol cycle advice


New member
Weeks 1-6
N2 Guard

Weeks 7-10
Post Cycle/Unleashed

Fish Oil/Flax Seed Oil/Cranberry Pills The entire cycle

I haven't started taking anything and this is my first PH cycle. Couple of questions I was looking for. Weeks 1-6 do I need a test booster, if so which one is ideal? Weeks 7-10 Clomid needed? If there is any other glaring omissions from my stack feel free to call me out on it.

Any input is good input, I appreciate the feedback fellas.
why don't u just do a real cycle? if you're doing this for health reasons i believe PH's are a lot more damaging than steroids
I've done winnie and tren cycles with mixed results. Why do you think PH's are more damaging? (Not questioning you, just would like to know your reasoning)
why don't u just do a real cycle? if you're doing this for health reasons i believe PH's are a lot more damaging than steroids

I also travel for work every single week so the law side of things comes into play...mainly TSA and their guys that like to tear my bags and pill cases up.
well pro hormones are orals which means its gonna be really harsh on your liver, i just don't think its worth it because you get less results then steroids with higher risks, also the PH's will shut you down which is why you need test regardless
I certainly was not encouraging you to throw in test...It was however the first thing I thought..lol....

So if you decide to do so, you MUST do it right.

There are certain esters that you can choose that require less frequent pinning, which may help with the traveling part, but if that's the case (if you do choose a long estered test), you will need to run it at a minimum 12 weeks to get gains worth your while.

You will def need a proper post cycle therapy (pct) and an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand.

I don't know much about PHs, so cant help out much there. I've heard that these 'designer drugs' are in fact worse for you than test because of reasons stated above.

SAFETY FIRST!!:biggthump
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