Helladrol Cycle - Need advice


New member
Here is what I have after doing some research:

Cycle Template:

pre-6.........test base
1-6............cycle support
7-10...........post cycle support

My Cycle:

pre-6.........rs-transaderm (test base)
1-6............helladrol 75/75/75/100/100/125 (ph)
1-6............n2guard (liver support)
3-10..........forma stanzol (ai)
7-10..........torem 90/60/60/30 (serm)
7-10..........battle fuel xt (daa)
7-10..........unleashed + post cycle (post cycle support)

I want to keep it simple, but I also don't want to miss out on anything essential. Thoughts?
Looks good man. I am running it very similar except I'm starting trans and hella at the same time (1-6) any reason to preload? I am also not including forma and I will be using clomid instead of torem.
Yea don't run 6 weeks of Transaderm before the 6 weeks of helladrol...the whole point of using 'derm is for the "Test Base" alongside of the PH/DS of your choice, in order to lessen the side effects of your endogenous test being shut down, lethargy, libido loss, etc. It'll also contribute to gains in strength and maybe some lean mass gains. I personally don't think it's necessary with something mild like helladrol...you'd probably be just fine with DAA but if you have the coin for the 'derm it can only help, not hurt. I've only used Nolva and Clomid for pct's, but the last cycle I did I used Clomid for the first time, and I did not like the side effects so i'm now looking more into Torm. Hope this helps.