helladrol v. beastdrol v. havoc


I am banned!
Havoc...By far.Better growth to be had and safer.Little PCT if you want.

Beastdrol not for newbies,will shut you down.Helladrol..you need more to take then Havoc,then it becomes liver toxic then you need to supplement the program with safety gears.

Havoc is 91-1200 is Androgenic/Anabolic Ratio.It's pretty safe probably the safest out there given the reviews with a higher androgenic ratio.

When you have a zero Androgenic ratio (0)..you might not grow so much.Anabolic ratio(0-1500) is for extreme workouts to where you would burn fat and you could do twice as much workouts because it's pure anabolic without going catabolic and burning muscles.You last longer therefore filling muscles with stronger strength,better recovery.

Most aas have a little androgenic and higher Anabolic ratio.

Let me show you an example.

Andriol(Testosterone Undecanoate)100/ 100
Androderm(Testosterone)100/ 100
Androgel(Testosterone) 100/ 100
Boldabol(Boldenone Acetate) 50/100
Danocrine(Danazol)37/ 125
Deca-(Nandrolone Decanoate) 37/125
Deposterona(Testosterone Blend)100/100
Dianabol(Methandrostenolone) 40-60 or 90-210 for some.
Superdrol(Methyldrostanolone)20/ 400
Sustanon 100 & 250---100/ 100
Synovex(Testosterone Propionate & Estradiol)- 100/ 100
Test 400--------100/100
Test Enanthate/Cypionate/Propionate/Susp & Blends-100/ 100
Tren Acetate/Enanthate & Blends 500/500
ProStanazolol 7/80
Halodrol 0/100

The list goes on and on.

But the sides of Havoc are joint pain and lower back pumps..Most fix it with taurine and Super cissus rx and low grade headaches usually fixed with magnesium tablets...throw in some fish oil too.Some other stuff that someone can chip in.

With beastdrol and helladrol..you're going to need alot more stuff to counteract with the sides.it can be done.Of course.
interesting stuff.

Hella and havoc have the exact same sides tho. well 95% of them. They are both lighter/all around compounds. Beast, being SD is tough on the body.
Halodrol clones- Turinabol,Halodrol,Helladrol,H-Drol
Toxicity rating (1-5): 2-3
a/a rating 0/100

This is like a speed freak,typically dosed between 50 and 100mgs for staring cycles.
Half-Life:Average (8 hours),converts to the steroid oral Turinabol,no progestational effects,it cannot interact with the aromatase enzyme.Recommended to use a liver protecting supplement before and during halodrol cycles because of high doses.

Epistane clones- Epistane,EpiStrong,Havoc,M-14 E
Toxicity rating (1-5): 3

Epi's has no water retention,anti-estrogen properties,Typical dose ranges between 15-45mg,Trade names include Havoc/Epistane
Half-Life: Average (6-8 hours)
a/a rating 90/1200

Superdrol clones-Superdrone,Superdrol,Beastdrol,M-Drol
Toxicity rating (1-5): 5
Typical dose ranges between 20-40mg
Is one of the strongest compounds on the market,water retention,rapid muscle mass gains.Derivative of Drostanolon.
Very harsh compound,and should not be taken lightly.
Half-Life: Average around (6-10 hours)
a/a rating 62-130

PCT is a Must! The a/a rating are not that accurate but can be used as a baseline and comparison to what it converts once in the body.

With the 0/100 Androgenic (but your own body) and Anabolic ratio ..Seems to make sense to take something that would create volume blood pumps like Creatine or Nitric Oxide.
Liver Support,Cycle Support should be taken with all pro-hormones.
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After running halo-plex for 2 weeks..and the nitric oxide pills.I'll switch on over to Havoc with fish oil for 2 weeks and complete the cycle with sterolabol.The increased sets on halo was being used if I had no time to get to the gym.The pumps keep coming.

I even got a bottle of Beastrol and don't know what to do with it yet .I'll save it for next year :-)

I look like a Mini-Yates..I gotta work on my lats!
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Halodrol clones- Turinabol,Halodrol,Helladrol,H-Drol
Toxicity rating (1-5): 2-3
a/a rating 0/100

This is like a speed freak,typically dosed between 50 and 100mgs for staring cycles.
Half-Life:Average (8 hours),converts to the steroid oral Turinabol,no progestational effects,it cannot interact with the aromatase enzyme.Recommended to use a liver protecting supplement before and during halodrol cycles because of high doses.

Epistane clones- Epistane,EpiStrong,Havoc,M-14 E
Toxicity rating (1-5): 3

Epi's has no water retention,anti-estrogen properties,Typical dose ranges between 15-45mg,Trade names include Havoc/Epistane
Half-Life: Average (6-8 hours)
a/a rating 90/1200

Superdrol clones-Superdrone,Superdrol,Beastdrol,M-Drol
Toxicity rating (1-5): 5
Typical dose ranges between 20-40mg
Is one of the strongest compounds on the market,water retention,rapid muscle mass gains.Derivative of Drostanolon.
Very harsh compound,and should not be taken lightly.
Half-Life: Average around (6-10 hours)
a/a rating 62-130

PCT is a Must! The a/a rating are not that accurate but can be used as a baseline and comparison to what it converts once in the body.

With the 0/100 Androgenic (but your own body) and Anabolic ratio ..Seems to make sense to take something that would create volume blood pumps like Creatine or Nitric Oxide.
Liver Support,Cycle Support should be taken with all pro-hormones.

WTF is this?? no one here cares about this shit man.

save your time
After running halo-plex for 2 weeks..and the nitric oxide pills.I'll switch on over to Havoc with fish oil for 2 weeks and complete the cycle with sterolabol.The increased sets on halo was being used if I had no time to get to the gym.The pumps keep coming.

I even got a bottle of Beastrol and don't know what to do with it yet .I'll save it for next year :-)

I look like a Mini-Yates..I gotta work on my lats!

2 weeks on anything will do nothing. except you might inflate from superdrol.

WTF is this?? no one here cares about this shit man.

save your time

x2 no one really cares about this shit. they wanna know people who have used them and gotten results from them. if anyone wanted to know bullshit "facts" about AA ratios and "toxicity" on a made up scale then they can google that shit.

all this info is rhetorical BS
Look part of living this lifestyle whether you're juicing or taking a PH(same shit imo) is to know what the hell it is you're taking not to just say "hey bro does this work?" and go with the first knucklehead's opinion on the product. Learn the science behind what you're putting into you're body. Those useless facts help someone who knows what the hell they are doing plan a perfect PCT for what they are taking. Be informative and positive or gtfo
Look part of living this lifestyle whether you're juicing or taking a PH(same shit imo) is to know what the hell it is you're taking not to just say "hey bro does this work?" and go with the first knucklehead's opinion on the product. Learn the science behind what you're putting into you're body. Those useless facts help someone who knows what the hell they are doing plan a perfect PCT for what they are taking. Be informative and positive or gtfo

you obviously haven't been in here for this dumb shit.

figure out what AA ratios are and tell me how they correlate directly with BBing. o wait...

let me know who came up with these toxicity numbers, where do they come from, how are they measured, whats the scale cause BS arbitrary numbers with no scientific backing are just that. bullshit.
I don't know if if the aa ratios are bull shit or not but I have been calling bull shit on these toxicity ratings for a while now. It seems like a made up scale with no scientific backing. I have been calling for some evidence supporting these numbers for a while now but no one has responded.

What liver values are raising which make one prohormone more toxic than another??? Also can anyone back it up with a study or their own blood test??? I haven't found shit on it other than this made up scale which seems to keep getting copied and pasted onto every other post I read.
As far as toxicity is concerned...You can figure that out by listening to some people complained about the sides of pro-hormones.

And the PCT,and SERMs and even during the cycle like liver assist.Like one would have to buy all the other stuff to bring it down.

I even watch for people getting sick or even getting a flu during the cycles..you know why ?

When the body system is being jacked,it also brings up the immune system response and then sometimes it crashes even after a few weeks or even a few days.Then folks sometimes complained about being sick or even "caught" a cold during a cycle.

It a good thing to watch and time it when it Happens to most folks.

I haven't seen a l.o.g when someone took havoc and didn't get sick or caugh a flu,but with Beastrol or Superdrol clone..ohh hell yea.After 2 weeks min.Sometimes a week.

So you know it was toxic for a time being and the body's immune system was being stressed out.And it went up..Wayyy up and then brought down crashing and will be a few more days before one finally recovers,or the immune system being brought back to baseline and then to resume training again.

Havoc just wants fish oil or essential oils,omega3 along with it.Halo is pretty cool.I take that then switch up to havoc.I started to shave a day early :-)
Save YOUR time.Don't post unless you have something good to say or contribute to the thread.

Talk about forum rage instead of road rage.

:uzi: ... :bawling:

not bein a bitch bro....serious. This info is posted all over the place. And comparing compounds based on A/A ratio's is just out right stupid.

halo and epistane are almost exact aside for epi is a bit dryer and works faster. halo gives better strength gains.

SD is nothing like the other 2. I just dont understand the purpose of the thread...??

if you wana compare them theres a lot better methods out there.

what info are you really after??
I have all 3 bottles of the stuff and was trying them all out....except for Beastrol.
(I also own 2 bottles of Havoc.Good stuff) I wanna get another one before it's totally gone.

If you don't believe in the aa ratio or the toxcity...fine..I don't care..but don't come running to me about your "Brand New Bitch Tits"

Beastrol is NOT for newbies...I took that for one day and wow..had some cramps on my lower right back.So it's strong stuff.Now that's a 5 in the toxicity rating!