Critique my Helladrol Cycle


New member
Ive been lurking here for months and have finally decided to take the plunge. This site is packed with solid info. I love it!

Some basic info to start:

28 yrs old.
210lbs @ approx 13-14% bodyfat

Took a couple of years off from the gym but have been back at it pretty hard for the last 10-12 months.

First cycle

Here is my planned cycle:

Helladrol 75/75/100/100/100/100
Cycle Assist (2 week preload)
Fish Oil
Forma Stanzol for the last 3 weeks into PCT 10/10/10
Taurine (as needed)

Torem 90/60/30/30
Cycle Assist
Forged Post Cycle
Fish Oil
Power Chews D-Test (DAA)
Forma Stanzol 10/10/8/6
Lean Xtreme

Im thinking around 300-350 grams of protein with relatively high carbs on training days and about the same protein with minimal carbs on off days. 1-2 gallons of water daily.

What do you guys think?
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use transderm while on cycle instead of hcgen....

also drop some of the T boosters in your dont need all of those.

pct should be:

Torem 90/60/30/30
Cycle Assist - liver support is all that is really needed.
Fish Oil
Forma Stanzol 10/10/8/6/6/6
Lean Xtreme - you could use vit C instead....wayy cheaper. 500mg 4x ED
Run transaderm for the full 6 week cycle? Run forma stanzol with the transaderm as well as post cycle therapy (pct)? or Just transaderm on cycle and forma in post cycle therapy (pct)?

Also, what should I do with the DAA? Take it on cycle? Use it and the other bottle of HCGenerate as a little post cycle therapy (pct) for a future run of transaderm/forma?
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yes Transaderm for the full 6 week cycle. and then forma for PCT
I would add 2 bottles of katana if you have money and run it 400/400/350/350/350/350 along with what you have for Hella
don't worry that's not a high dose as katana is a mild PH
Glycobol? HCGenerate? Forged Post-Cycle? DAA Power-Chews? should be arrested for burning money.

The best test-booster is DAA and if you pay over $25 for 45 servings when you can buy it for $25 for 100 servings you are weeetarded. And someone please show me blood work for someone on a medium-heavy cycle that is using hcgenerate and is not suppressed/ shutdown??? There's a handful of (legit) studies on fadogia with none proving it stimulates and/or mimics LH in the body. At best hcgen is a overpriced glorified test-booster geared towards libido...Not to mention why does everyone run FormaStanzol the last 2-3weeks of their cycle, cuz Dat dOwnt mAyk nOa sinCe 2 mEehh...

I wonder why everyone's cycle looks so similar?

yes Transaderm for the full 6 week cycle. and then forma for PCT
I would add 2 bottles of katana if you have money and run it 400/400/350/350/350/350 along with what you have for Hella
don't worry that's not a high dose as katana is a mild PH

You do not stack pro-hormones, designer steroids, or real steroids for your first cycle..
use transderm while on cycle instead of hcgen....

also drop some of the T boosters in your dont need all of those.

pct should be:

Torem 90/60/30/30
Cycle Assist - liver support is all that is really needed.
Fish Oil
Forma Stanzol 10/10/8/6/6/6
Lean Xtreme - you could use vit C instead....wayy cheaper. 500mg 4x ED

agreed or some teste for 14 wks.

I have a bottle of helladrol I am tempted to add to my recomp.
looking foward to you letting us know what you think.
Glycobol? HCGenerate? Forged Post-Cycle? DAA Power-Chews? should be arrested for burning money.

The best test-booster is DAA and if you pay over $25 for 45 servings when you can buy it for $25 for 100 servings you are weeetarded. And someone please show me blood work for someone on a medium-heavy cycle that is using hcgenerate and is not suppressed/ shutdown??? There's a handful of (legit) studies on fadogia with none proving it stimulates and/or mimics LH in the body. At best hcgen is a overpriced glorified test-booster geared towards libido...Not to mention why does everyone run FormaStanzol the last 2-3weeks of their cycle, cuz Dat dOwnt mAyk nOa sinCe 2 mEehh...

I wonder why everyone's cycle looks so similar?


HCGenerate is good and so is the powder chews.
If you want bulk cheap DAA its over at
I agree with not stacking the two phs for your first cycle, see how well you respond to one at a time. I believe that if you follow this approach it also makes it easier to maintain the muscle that you do gain. Good luck.
Thanks for the advice guys. Ive finally gotten everything together and Im about ready to start. I've never done any sort of log before, but I will definitely try. Im planning to start the run at the first of June.

Here is the revised cycle. Thoughts?

Helladrol 75/75/100/100/100/100
Cycle Assist (already started preloading)
Aminal Flex
Fish Oil
Taurine as needed
Forma Stanzol starting at week 5 or 6

Torem 90/60/30/30
Cycle Assist
Animal Flex
Fish Oil
Forma Stanzol
Lean Xtreme
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Thanks for the advice guys. Ive finally gotten everything together and Im about ready to start. I've never done any sort of log before, but I will definitely try. Im planning to start the run at the first of June.

Here is the revised cycle. Thoughts?

Helladrol 75/75/100/100/100/100
Cycle Assist (already started preloading)
Aminal Flex
Fish Oil
Taurine as needed
Forma Stanzol starting at week 5 or 6

Torem 90/60/30/30
Cycle Assist
Animal Flex
Fish Oil
Forma Stanzol
Lean Xtreme

Why not hit the last week at 125? Just a thought...also I don't see you front loading the Transderm...I would have preloaded it with your Cycle Assist to have your test base going when you hit Hella...but that is just me.

How about Post Cycle or Forged Post Cycle and Unleashed in your PCT? I would use these, move your HCGenerate into your cycle and help minimize shutdown during cycle, which will make your PCT seamless! With the Torem and shutdown minimized by the HCGenerate, your balls would drop overnight, and even on cycle your libido should be through the roof!

How about Bridge after your PCT?

Forgive me, I am just thinking outloud here...
got a bottle of Toremifene 50MG Per ML 60ML bottle with marked Dropper how would I dose that PCT? I want to run it at 90/60/30/30 so what markings on the dropper to I use? Thanks.
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