hello doctor.... I take steriods

yes it will. it will fuck you in the long run. you will never be able to qualify for life insurance either, or have an extremly hard time getting someone to bet on your life. i know this because my pops sells life ins. and he told me that i will probably never qualify because i told my drs that i was on a cycle (2yrs ago, had complications, got scared & told them. huge mistake!) oh and if you do telll them, hold onto what ever health insurance you have now because should u cancel or switch, they willl see your records and bump up the cost dramatically when u try to buy again. never tell your drs unless your health is in serious jeapordy

Thats what i figured, thanks for the advice
how long after starting a cylce (first Injection) should I wait to get tested?

This seems like a good way to verify if my stuff is real or not.
Im about 2 1/2 weeks since first pin right now. Not sure if thats enough time or not