Hello Everyone - New to Ology


New member
Hi everyone,

I'm pretty new here, still browsing around and trying to soak in all the knowledge on this board.

I'm almost 30 years of age, never have I used any steroids or PEDs. I have always been interested, but it's never been something I have acted upon.

I probably have about 5 years of sporadic weight training over the last 10 years. I've obviously found more consistency as of late and hope to continue seeing results.

One thing I've always struggled with was keeping my diet in check and fortunately for myself 3J has taken me on as a client in the last few weeks and I look forward to seeing the outcome and continuing to work with him to reach my goals.

But ya just wanted to introduce myself and hope to learn as much as I can from you all!
Read thru the ology faq's thread. It contains valuable information about your first cycle...
Welcome, but please take this forum a bit serious when you give out advice or suggest anything. Some of the young newbies might just misunderstand things you / we say !