Help a newbie out with this


New member
Lots of my friends take the real deal but im not that hardcore into it so im just thinking about taking a ph. What type of results should I expect? How much side effects am I looking at? And what is the best supplement for my goal? Right now I was on a heavy bulk and gained about 20 lbs 5 lb muscle and 15 lb fat. Now I look fat. I want to lean up but still get bulkier. My prime example would be Derek poundstone but at a weight of 180-185, im 206 now. Now I know I don't have the elite level of genetics he has but I think his body is what I would strive for dense and powerfull but still lean.
Honestly bro some ph can be more dangerous than actual AAS. Renee most AAS are studied for medical use so assumin u can get legit stuff and it'ssde properly and clean it's safer than some of those ph and cheaper in most cases.

I would recommend 500mg test e for 12 weeks
Pin 250 mon/thurs
Adex maybe .25 e3d unless u notcie estradiol sides.

Pct nolva and clomid
Hcg could be used but I don't think it's a must for this cycle.

If you eat clean you will actually lean out and put on mass

My first cycle which was identical to this except 600mg test
I put on 26 pounds and actuLly leaned out
really? I don't know where to get AAS around where Im at. And where would I go about getting this stuff your saying? ive been natty for 10 years and my body has just platuead (sp)? im just not seeing gains anymore and im working my ass off its just annoying.
Buddy your not ready yet. Take it from me. I started to soon and have ran into problems

Get a book on anabolics, stay on site and learn learn learn!!!!
I wish I had done that.

Learn as much as you can
If you want to put on muscle and lose a little bacon, start looking into Halodrol and SARMs as a legal alternative to AAS.
Helladrol or SARMS is a good option for lean gains and no pinning, I'm on a helladrol cycle right now and have done a Test-E / D-bol cycle in the past. The helladrol IMO wins over D-bol by far and strength gains are amzing on this shit.
Lots of my friends take the real deal but im not that hardcore into it so im just thinking about taking a ph. What type of results should I expect? How much side effects am I looking at? And what is the best supplement for my goal? Right now I was on a heavy bulk and gained about 20 lbs 5 lb muscle and 15 lb fat. Now I look fat. I want to lean up but still get bulkier. My prime example would be Derek poundstone but at a weight of 180-185, im 206 now. Now I know I don't have the elite level of genetics he has but I think his body is what I would strive for dense and powerfull but still lean.

Orbit Nutrition - Buy IronMagLabs M-STEN Rx Cheap! I will say after trying several ph's over a 6 yr span, that this is by far the best i've touched. I'm going to do another run soon. Solid strength gains and pump to the max. Lot of ones out there junk but I'll stand by this til its gone!
check out the mr supps website and look over the pro hormones section helladrol seems to be your best bet for what you are looking to do but read the stickies here first there is alot you have to know before starting a cycle.after you have read through them post back with more questions we all here want to make sure you are ready for your cycle but also educated before you do so