help a young guy get his life together


after being released from the army early upon special request due to a serious hand injury, i was honorably discharge and it seems like i've been depressed ever since. around the same time, things were going south between me and my girlfriend and we officially ended it about 3 months ago.

it seems like things in my life seem to get all fucked up, all at once. like, i lose my job, my girlfriend, motivation and ambition and i become depressed all over the course of a month or two.

i dont really have friends either. i'm only 22 and i have like 2 friends, who aren't even friends between both of them. one friend barely goes out, and the other one is an american volunteer of the IDF and is going back to america soon. all my friends from the army are off doing their own thing whether it be traveling, school, work. we all live in different parts of the country too. it just doesnt work.

and i can't even get a date, despite me being a very handsome guy (seriously). with things that i have seen in my service being in special ops combat, i have a hard time trusting people and letting people "in". so when i meet a girl, i feel like all she sees is this good looking, muscley tattooed military douche bag who only cares for himself, and she never wants to give me a chance.

my brother's girlfriend who is very very close friend, tells me thats who she thought i was when she met me. and she says to some extent that is true because i have this ego to me and this sense of pride that give off the vibe that everyone is below me and girls like that sometimes, but definitely not if thats all the guy has to offer. she says i need to put my soft side out there more, because she knows its in there.

seems like my life is just in the shitter. only thing i got going for me is that i'm pretty shredded lol. only reason i can keep up diet and training is because it's just a part of my life by now. i dont really know what life is like not counting calories, protein carbs and fats. counting meals. workouts. etc

i think the main thing that bothers me is that i have so much love and affection to give to girls (when i actually like them i'll give it to them) and growing up i've seen this as a weakness, so i've trained myself to not show girls that i am like this. but i am.

if i had a girlfriend to share my life with, i know that my life would have just a little more meaning and i would have just a little more motivation in everything.
Coming from someone that was never really that good w/ the ladies, I'd say talk to your brothers girlfriend some more & see if her, or even your brother knows any girls out there that may wanna hang w/ you..

Thanks for your service dude. Being a Marine, I do understand that cocky arrogance we can carry.. Lol. In all seriousness though, I hope things turn around for you. Everyone deserves to be happy..
I'll be the blunt and direct A-hole -- well running gear at such a young age like you are is NOT going to help your situation
It takes a woman to balance a man out. But the battle is finding the right one who can motivate you and help you find the answers.
Coming from someone that was never really that good w/ the ladies, I'd say talk to your brothers girlfriend some more & see if her, or even your brother knows any girls out there that may wanna hang w/ you..

Thanks for your service dude. Being a Marine, I do understand that cocky arrogance we can carry.. Lol. In all seriousness though, I hope things turn around for you. Everyone deserves to be happy..
my family still lives in america, i moved back to israel at 18 to serve. and doing what i did in the military its hard to not be so cocky! hell, my commanders and the guys i served with were out eating shit in the rain, the cold, and the snow, protecting the country so that our people, not even 100 miles away from us, could sleep quietly at night without having to wake up to rocket alarms. i dont even wanna know how many innocent lives we saved (israeli AND palestinian) and how many attacks we prevented by capturing or neutralizing the savages we did.
It takes a woman to balance a man out. But the battle is finding the right one who can motivate you and help you find the answers.
yup. funny thing is, people who don't me very well would never believe that i have problems with women. why? because people are so judgmental, that just based on how i look i "should have no problem getting girls!". being good looking and in shape only gets you your foot in the door easier, and thats exactly what i do before somehow fucking it up. i can get a girls attention SO easily at a bar or at a club and i may not even fuck it up right there. i might even fuck her before fucking it up. but somewhere along the lines i fuck it up. that's why, in my mind, i've never had a "real" girlfriend.
Coming from someone that was never really that good w/ the ladies, I'd say talk to your brothers girlfriend some more & see if her, or even your brother knows any girls out there that may wanna hang w/ you..

Thanks for your service dude. Being a Marine, I do understand that cocky arrogance we can carry.. Lol. In all seriousness though, I hope things turn around for you. Everyone deserves to be happy..
and by the way, i think you deserve more thanks for your service.. you didnt even have to serve!
I'm kinda in the same boat. I didn't have many girlfriends when I was younger. Most thought I was a player and all that. I just did me. I got my toys, went to the gym, stayed out of trouble. I don't want to say it got any better. I had some feal shitty luck with a couple ex's. I did meet one about a year ago ruffly and we've been doing good. She's a couple years older but it works great. Hang in there and don't worry about a girlfriend. Your young. Most likely you'll get caught up with the wrong type and your heart will get blown up. I don't have many friends either. Not a big deal. Mine live way out of town. I got some good work acquaintances that will toss me work. I'm doing ok. Just do you and don't worry about chicks. You'll land a priceless one eventually...
I'm going to save you a bunch of time and effort. There's a simple truth when it comes to women and dating in general.

They either like you for who you are, or they don't.


Can you start off on the wrong foot, but for some reason you both feel the desire to see each other again? Absolutely. But there has to be that little "spark" that you both feel, or else it's just sex if anything.

Stop trying to look for a partner. It sounds counterintuitive, but people just don't work that way, and if it's meant to be - it will literally sneak up on you and become a relationship.

NotGill, you say you're cocky and this is a problem. It's only a problem for the WRONG ladies, I assure you that there are plenty out there that want and CRAVE a man that is sure of himself. There are a TON of pussies out there because of this silly societal standards telling men they can't be men - many women IME find it refreshing to meet one that truly is confident and carries himself well.

Just keep focusing on bettering yourself financially and physically; at 22 there's no rush for finding a wife just yet. Discover who YOU are; you might think you know already, but I can tell you that experiences will better define you and really give you insight into just who that guy is you see in the mirror.

My .02c :)
I say stop worrying about freinds and girls get up do ur work hit the gym care about yourself not what the rest of the world is doing. Ur never gonna have freinds or a girl untill u can be happy with yourself trust me I know. So it's not selfish but man up and start taking care of u brother it all starts there