Help !! Blood results in, test an e2 #'s way high


New member
I just got my blood results back. Currently on

200mg test c e3d
100mg sustanon 250 e3d

Dosage seems high to me but was recommended by experienced aas users.
I'm in week 6 now, blood tests were in week 5 and taken the day after injection.
I do not want to do any damage to myself should I back way off dosage? Go to post cycle therapy (pct) now? I have proviron and nolvadex on hand. Please any help with dosage and what to do would be much appreciated. I'm worried as is so neg comments won't help jus looking for help. Thanks

Estradiol 115.4 pg/ml
Free test 337
Total test 6480
where is your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) meds, you should be using them, your numbers are not frightening at all, barely over the high normal of 90, your test levels are awesome but you dont do blood right after injection, for you test on the morning that you will inject
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What would you recommend for Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and dosage? Should I change anything I'm doing currently? Also I've been experiencing some low libido, think its due to raised est? Last cycle I walked around raging hard on. Something just feels different with this cycle. Gains are huge so far tho.
Aromasin 12.5 mg every day or Arimidex .5 mg per day

You could even go lower 6.25 or .25

High estrogen or low strogen will mess with libido
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