Latest Blood Test High Prolactin and ES


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Looking for some advice after my recent blood test results from Medicheck.

Bit of back ground, 43 year old male. Used steroids on and off for 15 years. Been cruising on test 250 per week for the last 3 years. Every 3 months I incorporate Tren maybe winstrol.

The test was prompted by the fact I was not feeling myself in the bedroom department for the last year or so, inspite of the fact I have a lot of energy.

FSH 0.3 Range 1.5 - 12.4 IU/L
LH 0.3 Range 1.7 - 8.6 IU/L
OESTRADIOL 353 Range 41 - 159 pmol/L
TESTOSTERONE 32.6 Range 8.64 - 29 nmol
FREE TESTOSTERONE 0.983 Range 0.2 - 0.62 nmol
FREE ANDROGEN INDEX 152.34 Range 24 - 104 ratio
PROLACTIN 561 Range 86 - 324 mU/L

Prolactin is high which is expected from someone using steroids.
Testosterone is just above the high end.
Free Testosterone is quote high as is my Free Androgen index.

My Oestradiol is off the chart and my FSH and LH is very low. I would assume these would be the reason I have low libido?

No hair loss or Gyno.

Any suggestion on what I can do to counter act this?

Reduce the mg of text per week? Incorporate an Aromatase inhibitor? Vit B6 Vit E?

I was about to incorporate Tren again should I put this on the back burner for the time being?

Any advice would be welcome.
Your LH and FSH will be about zero on test, so those results are meaningless.

Estrogen is way too high, so yes you need an AI, or to reduce injected testosterone.

Prolactin too high I'm guessing is from tren use over the years, especially without using an AI. Caber or prami will lower it, but don't know if you'd get a lasting effect once you stopped those.

Jumping on tren with high estrogen right now would be a very bad idea, your prolactin issue would get worse and you will eventually end up with deca dick (but from tren not deca), where your buddy won't work at all.

You've first got to get that estrogen under control with AI and blood testing. You could simultaneously work on the prolactin, or if you are patient then you could wait to see what happens to it when your E2 is down in range. It might resolve itself, or might need some work targeting it. But, E2 first. And stay off tren until you sort both those out.
So after much thought I have decided on the following input appreciated.
Reduce test to 100mg per week.
25mg aromasin eod.
Caber 0.5mg every third day.
Have bloods taken again in four weeks.
Evaluate from there.
So after much thought I have decided on the following input appreciated.
Reduce test to 100mg per week.
25mg aromasin eod.
Caber 0.5mg every third day.
Have bloods taken again in four weeks.
Evaluate from there.

I'd take 12.5mg aromasin ED and I'd only take 0.20mg caber every third day. I do agree with tankman, I'd hold off on the caber until I got my estrogen in check, it probably won't hurt in the sense of lowering your prolactin values as an initial response, can you even cum at all bro? But not caber for 6 weeks. Maybe 2 weeks. Less is ALWAYS more with caber, be careful with it. Then after blood work, come back with results and maybe it's warranting to run caber for an additional 4 weeks but get your estrogen to around 100 before that.
I'd take the bloodwork in 6 weeks instead of 4.

Just curious, have you used any HCG during these 3 years?
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Thanks for your input.
The protocol given to me was my Dave Crossland who is a knowledge bank when it comes to steroids.
I have no issues cuming getting aroused can be the issue, so viagra and cialis have been called upon.
I have never used HCG during the 3 years. Just blasted 250mg test e. Then incorporated tren and sometimes winstol.
I realise I have totally neglected my bloods over this time.
Thanks for your input.
The protocol given to me was my Dave Crossland who is a knowledge bank when it comes to steroids.
I have no issues cuming getting aroused can be the issue, so viagra and cialis have been called upon.
I have never used HCG during the 3 years. Just blasted 250mg test e. Then incorporated tren and sometimes winstol.
I realise I have totally neglected my bloods over this time.

I'm amazed you can cum with that high prolactin :P
No HCG for 3 years is probably not the best approach and I'm unsure it would even matter at this point, someone else will have to cover that.

Besides that, the protocol you listed (or with my modifications) will definitely be a good first approach at tackling your issues. Only thing is 0.5mg every third day will be VERY high.. It would even be high for actually being ON tren or deca right now.
But I suspect you will need further tweaking after your bloodwork in 4-6 weeks.
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My Guess is that your Estradiol is Off the Charts because you had the ECLIA Method done for Testing Estradiol.

And Not the LC/MS Version, also known as the Sensitive Estradiol Test.

Trenbolone will Skew the results of the Normal ECLIA Method, and give you Crazy High Readings.

While I still think it's High, it's NOT that damn High, or you would be Growing Breasts.

While Lowering the Test is a good idea, cause 250 Mg a week, is Higher than Normal for Cruising.
Aromasin and Caber are a Great Idea.

Then I would get another Blood Test after a couple of weeks, making sure to get the Sensitive Estradiol Test.................... JP