HELP!!! CJC-1295 no DAC/IPAM making me sleepy all day!


Want to look like her!
Ok, so I am on my 2nd day of cjc1295 no dac/Ipamorelin combo and I'm so tired it's not even funny! I've been taking 100mcg of each in the morning, pwo, and the evening.

By mid-day all I want to do is crash and sleep. Even a kick ass leg day in the gym today did not pick me up. I did a search and see that I'm not alone in feeling tired. What can I do to combat because I can't take care of two crazy ass kids, work out, and take care of my diet if I feel like I'm going to fall asleep behind the wheel! My fat burner ain't cutting it either!

This is a good question and although i cant offer much help on this, have you tried to back it down to only doing them 2x a day to see how you react?? I feel tired with mine also, but not quite as bad as you.

it was just a thought...... Im sure someone that can actually give you advise will chime in soon.
HGH, and GH peps can definetly make you sleepy. You just gotta get used to it or if your cutting maybe try an ECA stack or something.