Help - Converting 100 grams of Test Cyp Powder


I have been reading alittle bit but still alittle confused.

To convert 100 grams of Cyp what other product will I need:

I want it o be 250mg per CC

Bulker said:
I have been reading alittle bit but still alittle confused.

To convert 100 grams of Cyp what other product will I need:

I want it o be 250mg per CC


Well, I wouldn't convert that much at once unless you have all the 'equipment' you need to do it.

If this is your first conversion, maybe start with 10g at first so you don't fuck anything up.

First, check out this attachment so you can get your numbers right.

Then go to the sticky at the top of the page to get all your supplies. You'll need things like:

Syringe Filters
Beakers/Vials/Graduated Cylinders
Benzyl Alcohol
BEnzyl Benzoate
Oil (grapeseed, peanut, walnut, sesame, etc)
an oven. lol

After that, its all good.

For Cyp I would use 2/20 ratios on BA/BB respectively. Cyp is tricky and can be a bitch to get to hold. But it is great once it does.

Good luck.
Yeah... cyp is a bitch... have you already purchased the powder? If not, I'd say go with enanthate as its much easier to convert, and you will likely run into less problem, if any!

Derek_D said:
Yeah... cyp is a bitch... have you already purchased the powder? If not, I'd say go with enanthate as its much easier to convert, and you will likely run into less problem, if any!


id rather use cyp cause it aint so messy. cyp works fine at 250 with 2/20 ba/bb ratio.
Derek_D said:
Yeah... cyp is a bitch... have you already purchased the powder? If not, I'd say go with enanthate as its much easier to convert, and you will likely run into less problem, if any!


I wouldn't go that far. Enan can be messy as hell too. lol

Cyp is great don't get me wrong, its just fickle when doing conversions. Stick with the 2/20 ratio and you will be golden.
RJH8541 said:
Well, I wouldn't convert that much at once unless you have all the 'equipment' you need to do it.

If this is your first conversion, maybe start with 10g at first so you don't fuck anything up.

First, check out this attachment so you can get your numbers right.

Then go to the sticky at the top of the page to get all your supplies. You'll need things like:

Syringe Filters
Beakers/Vials/Graduated Cylinders
Benzyl Alcohol
BEnzyl Benzoate
Oil (grapeseed, peanut, walnut, sesame, etc)
an oven. lol

After that, its all good.

For Cyp I would use 2/20 ratios on BA/BB respectively. Cyp is tricky and can be a bitch to get to hold. But it is great once it does.

Good luck.

Thanks would it be okay if I PM you if I have further questions.

Oh and Madine looks great.
Bulker said:
Thanks would it be okay if I PM you if I have further questions.

Oh and Madine looks great.

sure, but you will benefit from more responses if you post it here on the open forum. They may not be anything but pornographic response, but responses nonetheless. lol

oh, and thanks.
pullinbig said:
id rather use cyp cause it aint so messy. cyp works fine at 250 with 2/20 ba/bb ratio.

haha... can't argue with you there.. enth is like fudgey! LOL Cyp is definitely "easier" to handle, but assuming you get both in the mixing beaker, I still feel enth is easier to deal with and usually presents less problems. I'm not a guru on conversions, but this has been my personal experience with the two...

Derek_D said:
haha... can't argue with you there.. enth is like fudgey! LOL Cyp is definitely "easier" to handle, but assuming you get both in the mixing beaker, I still feel enth is easier to deal with and usually presents less problems. I'm not a guru on conversions, but this has been my personal experience with the two...


you 100% correct. i used to put enan in the fidge for a while and it would be like soap then. break off pieces and plop in the beaker. and it deffinately goes a lot higher mg/ml pain free. stuff like deca and enan juist gripe my hiney. i hate getting sticky stuff all over everything. eq aint bad cause you can poor it. when i had itr shipped i asked my guy to put it in a plastic container. like a big empty pill bottle or something.
pullinbig said:
when i had itr shipped i asked my guy to put it in a plastic container. like a big empty pill bottle or something.

Yup... i totally know what you mean... I once forgot to request that and ended up with a bag of goop! LOL I was just like... wtf... guess I asked for this... :bawling:
