HELP! Elevated CK levels!


New member
I finished a precontest cycle of Winstrol (winny) and fina about 6 weeks ago after a bodybuilding contest. Post contest I got some severe swelling and water retention (gained about 40 lbs). I had some blood work done about 2 weeks postcontest and my CKs were 6000! Normal is 10-200! I got them checked 2 and 4 weeks after that and each time it was ~4000!!!! the MD told me he's seen people in renal failure with lower values........GREAT!!!!!

Can anyone give me a possible explanation, etc.???? I need to figure this out fast!

possible explanation - you f'ed somethin up! wait for the dr's to get online this evening and hope they don't say anything too bad
to the top -- we need to get some good advice for D.X.. the experts on effects of drug use are the drug users (us) -- board members may have better insight or experience with this than the docs doing the bloodwork.
hi mate creatine kinase is uaually the marker that we would look for if there is a suspected heart attack or if there is some degree of cardiac faliure( which is why doc would be looking renal function as well), as its left behind by damaged muscles, but its biggest drawback is that it will give a false positive to anyone who may have been doing anything strenous like moving furniture to weightlifting etc.
its just showing that your workouts are breaking down muscle fibre for repair.
now we use another marker that is specific to cardiac muscle only, its called troponin...
now if you also had a positive troponin as well, then you need a bed on coronary care

what were your urea and creatinine levels like, mixed with your blood pressure that may be a sign of liver damage.. but its real hard to tell

id have a nice :40oz: and relax mate, and wait for more tests
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I have not had troponin examined yet. The CK assay done does not differentiate between heart and muscle isoforms of CK so I really don't know the source yet.
Regarding elevations due to even very extreme physical exertion, levels typically don't even reach 1000 - definitely not the levels I'm seeing... 4-6K.
I have slighlty elevated urea nitrogen (28mg/dL - normal is 7-21) but my creatinine is within normal limits.

Go figure?