Help First Cycle TEST E


New member
I am 25 years old and i have been training for 5 years. I am 6'4, 215 lbs, 12 or so body fat. This is my first cycle and i plan on eating clean 40/40/20 400grams protein, 400 grams carbs, rest is fat.
I found a cycle that i think i wanna use but i did some research and i have found that with long esters, such as test enanthate, it is pointless to taper down so some advice will be greatly appreciated by members of this great forum :).

This is how my cycle WAS going to look like before i found out that tapering is pointless on test enanthate.
Weeks 1-10:
*500mg testosterone per week
*1 quarter tablet of Fincar per day (1.25mg)
*1 quarter tablet of Arimidex every other day (0.25mg)
*1 tablet of clomid every other day (50mg)
*320mg of standardized Saw Palmetto Extract per day
Week 11:
*300mg testosterone per week
*1 quarter tablet of Fincar per day (1.25mg)
*1 quarter tablet of Arimidex every other day (0.25mg)
*1 tablet of clomid every other day (50mg)
*320mg of standardized Saw Palmetto Extract per day

Week 12:
*200mg testosterone per week
*1 quarter tablet of Fincar per day (1.25mg)
*1 quarter tablet of Arimidex every other day (0.25mg)
*1 tablet of clomid every day (50mg)
*320mg of standardized Saw Palmetto Extract per day

Week 13:
*1.25mg of finasteride per day
*.25mg of Arimidex every other day
*100mg of clomid every day

Week 14:
*1 quarter tablet of Arimidex every 3rd day (0.25mg)
*50mg of clomid every day

Now here is my question. Should i just do test enanthate 500 mgs for eleven weeks or just do test enanthate 600 mgs for ten weeks bc thats how much supply i have since i was going to taper off.

My second question is what do you guys think how my post cycle therapy (pct) should look like if im not going to taper then and if i just decide to do 500mgs for eleven weeks or 600 mgs for ten because i want to know if the info i got from this source is legit and how i should work with my post cycle therapy (pct) since there is not going to be any taper.

All help will be greatly appreciated and i would love to hear some input. :)
Thanks in advance.
If this is your first cycle I would do the 500mg every week. As that is a common first cycle it will give you a good baseline to compare how you respond to it. There are plenty of online logs for that dose which you can do a direct comparison to.

There is no point to the clomid during the cycle, especially if you are taking Arimidex. It will not prevent your HPTA from shutting down. I know this for a fact as I was on clomid for 2 years before my first cycle and continued it through the cycle. My labs and the end of the cycle where FSH 0.6 and LH 0.1. Compared to before cycle while on clomid the numbers were FSH was 17.6 and LH was 14.4. So your HPTA is going to get shutdown even if you take it. Clomid also won't lower your estradiol levels. It will block the receptors so it doesn't get used but that will leave you with a high level of estradiol floating around your body which will cause side effects like ED. It will also throw off any labs because your estradiol levels will come back higher but you will have no idea what level your body is actually using. Then if you add Arimidex on top of that you could actually end up with a low net estradiol level even though your lab results might show a high level. I've found nothing that says what percentage of estradiol is blocked by clomid. Is it 10% or 90%? I'm not sure. If anything look into adding HCG towards the end of the cycle to start get your leydig cells producing again, making sure you stop once you get into your PCT.

PCT should start 2 weeks after your last pin. Your schedule shows it starting right away. I've only had one cycle but the clomid and nolvadex combo worked very well for me. I did clomid 100mg and nolvadex 40mg for 3 days, then dropped to clomid 50mg and nolvadex 20mg. Two weeks after my last pin my testosterone level was 590. Two weeks into post cycle therapy (pct) it was 717. I continued my post cycle therapy (pct) for 6 weeks partly to make sure I got a solid recovery going. At week 6 my testosterone level was 1007.
If this is your first cycle I would do the 500mg every week. As that is a common first cycle it will give you a good baseline to compare how you respond to it. There are plenty of online logs for that dose which you can do a direct comparison to.

There is no point to the clomid during the cycle, especially if you are taking Arimidex. It will not prevent your HPTA from shutting down. I know this for a fact as I was on clomid for 2 years before my first cycle and continued it through the cycle. My labs and the end of the cycle where FSH 0.6 and LH 0.1. Compared to before cycle while on clomid the numbers were FSH was 17.6 and LH was 14.4. So your HPTA is going to get shutdown even if you take it. Clomid also won't lower your estradiol levels. It will block the receptors so it doesn't get used but that will leave you with a high level of estradiol floating around your body which will cause side effects like ED. It will also throw off any labs because your estradiol levels will come back higher but you will have no idea what level your body is actually using. Then if you add Arimidex on top of that you could actually end up with a low net estradiol level even though your lab results might show a high level. I've found nothing that says what percentage of estradiol is blocked by clomid. Is it 10% or 90%? I'm not sure. If anything look into adding HCG towards the end of the cycle to start get your leydig cells producing again, making sure you stop once you get into your PCT.

PCT should start 2 weeks after your last pin. Your schedule shows it starting right away. I've only had one cycle but the clomid and nolvadex combo worked very well for me. I did clomid 100mg and nolvadex 40mg for 3 days, then dropped to clomid 50mg and nolvadex 20mg. Two weeks after my last pin my testosterone level was 590. Two weeks into post cycle therapy (pct) it was 717. I continued my post cycle therapy (pct) for 6 weeks partly to make sure I got a solid recovery going. At week 6 my testosterone level was 1007.

Thank you very much for taking time to respond. And i will end up doing 500 mgs a week then for 11 weeks. And i have done some research and my research agrees with what you said about clomid so i will not be using clomid during cycle, i will just use arimedex. However i see that you used nolva and clomid for your PCT, and i have done some research and it says that although a lot of people use nolva and clomid for PCT, you can also use arimedex and clomid for your post cycle therapy (pct). They claim that arimedex is weaker than nolva mg for mg but there is some proof that it activates your Hctp, i think thats the term lol, faster than nolva. And since i only have arimedex and clomid for PCT, and since a lot of literature has opposing views, do you think it would be efficient enough to use arimedex and clomid for PCT.
You are right that there is a lot of contradictory information out there. Everything seems to contradict everything else, so I decided to go with what has been tried and tested. Here is what I do know. Clomid and Nolvadex will block the estrogen receptors but they will not lower the estrogen level in your body. Arimidex is an aromatase inhibitor and will lower the level of estorgen in your body. I'm not sure what you were reading that compared Nolvadex to Arimidex becuase they don't really do the same thing as far as PCT is concerned. I've seen articles that recommend clomid over nolvadex and the other way around. From what I have gathered they are similar but work in slightly different ways.

If you are stuck with arimidex and clomid you need to consider one thing. The clomid will be blocking the estrogen receptors, so the level of the estrogen your body is seeing will be lower than what any test shows. The arimidex will then lower your estrogen levels even more. It is very easy to end up with a net estrogen level that is too low when using both. Clomid should be the constant factor and then add arimidex as needed. You can research and find information on clomid only PCT.