HELP! First Cycle (Test Prop & EQ)


New member
Hey guys so my online coach gave me this schedule for my FIRST CYCLE EVER based on what I want to achieve and how my body looks now. However, I wanted to get as much opinions from people as possible on what is missing in this cycle, and if I should add something or lower a dose or whatever advice you can give is really appreciated. I want to cut down for the summer but at the same time I don't feel like I have enough muscle mass to start cutting and that's why he suggested that I start my first cycle with test-prop and EQ to cut and bulk at the same time. You can see my pictures attached if that helps for your judgment.

About me:
-22 years old.
-4 years of non-stop training naturally.
-hight: 5'4
-Weight: 154 Ib
-body fat: dk see pics

below his suggestions:

Hormones to use: This is what you will do for the first month

1. Testosterone Propionate:
Week 1 to 2: 500 mg/week
week 2 to 12: 600 mg/week

2. Boldenone Undecylenate (equipose):
Week 6 to 12: 400 mg/week

3. Stanozolol: (Winstrol)
week 1 to 4: 50 mg/day

4. Proviron (or cidoviron):
week 8 to 12: 50 mg a day.

Start HCG 1 week before you finish your cycle. Take 2500 units, starting that day, every 4th day, 4 times.So, take 1000units of vitamin E before you sleep.

At the end of the cycle (1 week after your first hcg shot), start clomid at 50 mg a day.
use clomid for 3 weeks and start nolvadex at 40 mg a day for 4 weeks after the second week finishes of clomid use.

Use aromasin the day you start HCG @ 25 mg a day, and stop the day you stop HCG. (so use it for 12 to 15 days, 15 preferably please)
Did u hire bostin? That's a fucked up first cycle. I'll find u a link that would be helpful...
2500 IU's of hcg in one shot? I find 250-500 iu's ED preferable. The point of HCG is to mimic your natural LH production, which occurs daily.