help, goin limp


New member
so i'm a former steroid user, have done about 3 cycles in a period of 2 years using stacks of test and deca, and a cycle of strictly test, and never did any real pct's on any of them. my last cycle was over a year ago.

so my problem is i've lost my sex drive and had a situation where i was unable to get it up.

can anyone help me out and point me to any supplement solving my problem, besides the obvious of viagra and pokin myself again with test?
I think a month or so of HCG therapy may help. I've read about it somewhere. But don't take my word for it.
ant789 said:
so my problem is i've lost my sex drive and had a situation where i was unable to get it up.
quit pickin up fattys at the bar dude, that may help.
mranak said:
Common Clomid post cycle therapy (pct):
Day 1: 300mg
Day 2-11: 100mg
Day 2-21 or 2-28: 50mg

Updated Clomid post cycle therapy (pct):
Day 1-11: 100mg (optional: 300mg on day 1)
Day 12-28: 50mg
But keep running the clomid longer if you don't feel that you are recovered. Run additional Clomid at 25mg ED (or 50mg if you think you really need it).

Would this be a proper post cycle therapy (pct) to run in my situation?
so your sex drive has been gone for a year since you came off cycle or this began recently. If you were fine for a year and this began recently then its probably not cycle related, could be a number of differant things, depression, too much drinking/drug use, stress, maybe just a bad day.
Before adding anything else into your system you should get bloodwork done to see where you're at. If you don't want to go to a doctor (which you should if you have medical insurance so treatment may be covered) go to an online service like Quest Diagnostics. After getting the results you can plan a good post cycle therapy (pct) if your levels are out of wack. Following post cycle therapy (pct) you can then again get bloodwork done to see if things are normalized. There is a possibility that you may need permanent HRT.

Gotta be careful with this stuff boys and girls, impropper cycling can do permanent damage. Educate yourself before diving in.

I hope things work out quickly for ya, ant.