HELP!! hard balls under my skin after injeting??


New member
Hey guys
i been using GHRP-6 and CJC 1295 (W/OUT DAC) for about a month now no problems since they have actually been great but about 2 days ago i realised ive got this hard lump under my skin i left it thinking it was just a reaction but this morning i woke up its itchy and bigger like the size of a big marble.... is this normal or should i be seeking medical attention??
Hey guys
i been using GHRP-6 and CJC 1295 (W/OUT DAC) for about a month now no problems since they have actually been great but about 2 days ago i realised ive got this hard lump under my skin i left it thinking it was just a reaction but this morning i woke up its itchy and bigger like the size of a big marble.... is this normal or should i be seeking medical attention??

well this has happened to me a few times wheres the gear from? and it could be ur pin technique try to go in straight that helped for me now the lumps dont show i had went to the doc all he said was blood under the skin its called Hematoma now this is cause for some concern just watch it does it seem likes its going down cuz thats a good thing but if it gets real red hurts real bad or starts to break skin then get immidiate med attention just say you were doin hcg or insulin and they will treat it with antibiotics mine was the size of a half dollar wasnt infected dc still gave me antibiotics so if you have some left over take em and if it has a sighn of infection id go to a doctor soon or abscess could occur if you want more info google Hematoma lemmie know whats up
Occasionally after an injury, blood collects and pools under the skin (hematoma), giving the skin a spongy, rubbery, lumpy feel. A regular bruise is more spread out and may not feel like a firm lump. A hematoma usually is not a cause for concern. It is not the same thing as a blood clot in a vein, and it does not cause blood clots

if it starts to get worse id get it checked out lemmie ask this do you bruise easily when u pin i notice hematoma comes on me right after a bruise its smaller than urs they go away a week or so the last one i had was so big it took a month the doc said its norm for it to take awhile AS LONG AS ITS NOT INFECTED capiche so you may wanna look up what the infected hema looks like or feels like hopefully its just a small prob like gear or pin technique but rotate injection sites dont pin anywhere close to a bruise or hematomin i read a rule of thumb is an inch or two mine wasnt itchy and crazy that could be a sighn of infection go to a cheap doc ask questions just say hcg or insulin lol dnt mess it up for the rest of us ead up theres plenty of info out there thats how i figured mine out
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If you nick a vein on the way out this can occur. Its no big deal, nothing to worry about. The little lump will go away quickly.
thanks guys makes me feel a bit better ha the thing is its not bruised at all if u couldnt feel the lumnp you honestly wouldnt know it was there .. I spoke to my supplier he said could be because i didnt push it in far enough and to massage it daily and it should go away but nothing to worry about.. ill try that and let everyone know how i go could come in handy for others :)
Yeah man watch that shit for infection everyday if it gets worse its up to you cuz u don't wanna get it lanced or abscess and look funny stick that pin all the way in lol pinch it and stick the needle in plunge the medicine and release count to ten or so take the needle out clean needle and skin with alcohol there a lot online Google Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) pinning videos that's how I learned then I perfected from that :) yeah buddy
happen to me sub q Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) in abs

I think it happens if you hit fat deposit too instead of cutis

should be fine and should heal but indicating you should adjust your method of injecting