Help!!! Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) question


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Help!!! HCG question

Yes this is the first time using hcg on a cycle.I notice the injection is very painless,but when you start injecting the hcg it is very painfull and hurts for some time after is that normal or should i be very alarmed ???
no its fine its the water you are using to mix it. if it is vet hcg the water that it comes with will burn.. dont worry about it..
Sorry to jump on a thread......

Does using HCG while on your cycle(250iu2x/wk) completely stop atrophy? Or can you still get some (little bit) shrinkage?
Does using HCG while on your cycle(250iu2x/wk) completely stop atrophy? Or can you still get some (little bit) shrinkage?

lill, depends on the brand in my experience, generic wasnt nearly as good as the corion, my sac hangs on 500iu of that
What about desensitizing the Lehydeg cells??

Its a myth. It has never been shown to happen in humans. only in little rat balls.

until you dose over 5,000iu at a time it has never been proven clinically.

With that being said unless your infertile there is no reason to go that high. nothing wrong with doses upt to 3,000 iu though.

with as much HCG that has been handed out by docs over the years it would have shown up somewhere if it was true.

docs routinely prescribe up to 5,000iu doses at a time for periods of 12-18 months
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I have to completely agree with OAK on this. Bro, you may be in a state of shutdown, as to where 250-500iu may just be a little "teaser" for the sack. It sounds like you may need to really shock the shit out of the twins. I'm not giving medical advice, because you are not a client, but, hypothetically speaking, if it were me and my shriveled sack.... I'd pop 3,000iu NOW. Just make sure you've got a decent Aromatase inhibitor (AI) level built up in your system. I've hit 3 grand before and it blows me up like a water tower. Not a big fan of that. However, I'll trade off being a "hydrant" for a few days in return for getting my nuts back.:biggthump
Well thats some good info, thanks! I have Adex on hand but I have not had any reason to take it (no bloat, no gyno symptoms) so its not built up in my system at all. So I will fire off 500 iu right now and then another 500 in a couple a days and in the mean time I will take the Adex (.5mg) E3D for about a week and then fire off the 3000iu like you said. Sound good?

Chip, you also agree that large doses of HCG wont desensitize the Leydig cells?
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sounds fine when does your PCT start? and what compounds did you run on your cycle

PCT will start in Feb. I just started my 8th wk of a 12 wk cycle. 500mg T cyp/wk. nothing else. PCT will be Nolva 40,40,20,20

Age 37
Begining wt 186ish
Current wt 198.5
I would agree that the Leydig cells should be safe after a big blast. If you were hitting a dose like that on a frequent basis, then there may be cause for concern. but one big blast to spark you up will be just fine. It sounds like Exactly what you need. Good luck!
I would agree that the Leydig cells should be safe after a big blast. If you were hitting a dose like that on a frequent basis, then there may be cause for concern. but one big blast to spark you up will be just fine. It sounds like Exactly what you need. Good luck!

I was going to reply to your PM but i will just do it here.

I only skimmed the study but if you go down to table 3 it shows the time period that they are desensitized................its a matter of hours.

When you shoot HCG it forces the testicles to produce T, then immediately after your testicles go into what is called a refractory period. This means during that period the testicles do not produce testosterone even though the HCG is still flowing through your body.............this lasts roughly 72 hours. Once that 72 hours is up the testicles release more T due to stimulation from the still circulating Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). This is called a bi-phasic pattern.

So the study is not speaking of permeanent desensitization.
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Hey guys. I was on cycle for 8 weeks before starting Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), stupid I know, so I did a first shot of 2000 iu then began with 250x2 a week. Didn't seem so great but at 500iu x 2 a week works great. And I have to say I feel 100 times better with the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). It just gives me a feeling of well being. And glad that both Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) experts are here because you guys help a lot of people free on the forum. Much respect to both of you.