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hey all need help
im taking these things .... im not on a real diet but my purpose is to remove the fats that r only found around my ab ....
- Lipo6
- Amino 2002
- Tiromel 25mg
Lipo6 and Tiromel dosage 30mn then ..
Meal 1 (Breakfast)
3-4 eggs without the yellow thingy + cup of milk
Meal 2:
tuna can or two turkey breast slices
3 Amino 2002 Tablets
Meal 3 (Lunch):
Fish or Grilled Chicken Breast
Meal 4:
same as meal 2
Lipo6 dosage + 3 Amino Tablets
Workout (1-1.5hrs) included Cardio
15min after workout then i take 3 Amino Tablets + Tiromel dosage
Meal 5 (dinner):
Salad or Fruits
well to be honest i feel hungry all day :s
anyone can help/advice me ... i have no choice than taking these things coz i bought them .. few days ago .. and im out of cash .. so can u offer me a diet related to these !!!
Regards ab
im taking these things .... im not on a real diet but my purpose is to remove the fats that r only found around my ab ....
- Lipo6
- Amino 2002
- Tiromel 25mg
Lipo6 and Tiromel dosage 30mn then ..
Meal 1 (Breakfast)
3-4 eggs without the yellow thingy + cup of milk
Meal 2:
tuna can or two turkey breast slices
3 Amino 2002 Tablets
Meal 3 (Lunch):
Fish or Grilled Chicken Breast
Meal 4:
same as meal 2
Lipo6 dosage + 3 Amino Tablets
Workout (1-1.5hrs) included Cardio
15min after workout then i take 3 Amino Tablets + Tiromel dosage
Meal 5 (dinner):
Salad or Fruits
well to be honest i feel hungry all day :s
anyone can help/advice me ... i have no choice than taking these things coz i bought them .. few days ago .. and im out of cash .. so can u offer me a diet related to these !!!
Regards ab