Help is needed


New member
hey all need help

im taking these things .... im not on a real diet but my purpose is to remove the fats that r only found around my ab ....

- Lipo6
- Amino 2002
- Tiromel 25mg

Lipo6 and Tiromel dosage 30mn then ..
Meal 1 (Breakfast)
3-4 eggs without the yellow thingy + cup of milk

Meal 2:
tuna can or two turkey breast slices

3 Amino 2002 Tablets

Meal 3 (Lunch):
Fish or Grilled Chicken Breast

Meal 4:
same as meal 2

Lipo6 dosage + 3 Amino Tablets
Workout (1-1.5hrs) included Cardio

15min after workout then i take 3 Amino Tablets + Tiromel dosage

Meal 5 (dinner):
Salad or Fruits

well to be honest i feel hungry all day :s

anyone can help/advice me ... i have no choice than taking these things coz i bought them .. few days ago .. and im out of cash .. so can u offer me a diet related to these !!!

Regards ab
your fat is going to come off evenly all over- so if you have a lot of fat in the belly most likely it will be the last place to be really lean.

As for your diet - It is very low in kcals and no carbs (which is why your tired).

Take your first meal for instance: 3 to 4 egg whites only contain (9 to 12g Protein). My GF takes in 8 egg whites in the morning.

Thats just my take not knowing you from a ham sandwhich.

Abadeus said:
hey all need help

im taking these things .... im not on a real diet but my purpose is to remove the fats that r only found around my ab ....

- Lipo6
- Amino 2002
- Tiromel 25mg

Lipo6 and Tiromel dosage 30mn then ..
Meal 1 (Breakfast)
3-4 eggs without the yellow thingy + cup of milk

Meal 2:
tuna can or two turkey breast slices

3 Amino 2002 Tablets

Meal 3 (Lunch):
Fish or Grilled Chicken Breast

Meal 4:
same as meal 2

Lipo6 dosage + 3 Amino Tablets
Workout (1-1.5hrs) included Cardio

15min after workout then i take 3 Amino Tablets + Tiromel dosage

Meal 5 (dinner):
Salad or Fruits

well to be honest i feel hungry all day :s

anyone can help/advice me ... i have no choice than taking these things coz i bought them .. few days ago .. and im out of cash .. so can u offer me a diet related to these !!!

Regards ab
so what do u suggest ... adding carbs wont help me loose the fats around my abs .... or im wrong ....what should i do !!!

i feel depressed when i look at my body .. good shoulders and chest .. but they r not appearing coz of my fats in the belly ...
So i'm guessing that is about 165 lbs @ 5'8"???

What is your bodyfat? How much cardio? How many days / week? Your not being at all very helpful.

Why do you think you are not allowed carbs while losing fat?
i visited this website
and i got these results

Your Recommended Blocks
Your weight is: 165 pounds
Your sex is: Male
Your Body Fat percentage is: 20
Your Lean Body Mass is: 132 pounds
Your 'Ideal' weight is: 152 pounds
Your activity factor is: 0.83
Your recommend blocks per day are: 15 (112 grams of protein)

also i entered this website
and i got this result

BMI Categories:

* Normal weight = 18.5-24.9
* Overweight = 25-29.9
* Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

MY BMI: 25.1

it seems that those 20% r in the belly and around my waist

i heard that carbs give some weight !!!

according to cardio ... it varies from 2 to 4 times a week
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