help me for bulking cycle


New member
I m tring to gain my weight from past 2 year*From my first cycle*test*e 500 mg week I have gained 8 kg and m finnaly 60 kgPlz suggest me next cycle to do to increse my weight more*What should be correct gap between two cycle ?If there is gap in my workout I can't mentain my body and weight*Plz help me
You should read all the stickys first my friend to get a little better educated on what your wanting to do.
I have started my gym work out from the age of 19 but im doing test e 500 mg week cycle now at age of 21*And today was last shot

And want to know how to maintain body and weight after cycle
I m 5.7 60 kg age 21
Most importantly make sure you have a proper PCT to follow, and you will want to increase your calories to try and aid in keeping your newly added mass, as well as possibly lower the volume of your training, but keep the intensity up!
Most importantly make sure you have a proper PCT to follow, and you will want to increase your calories to try and aid in keeping your newly added mass, as well as possibly lower the volume of your training, but keep the intensity up!

Nolwa &clomid on hand for pct
And which cycle for me bulk up ?
Plz suggest me second cycle ?