Help me get through MEPS please.


New member
Alright guys, I know I'm probably going to get flamed but I just need to cut some weight fast, don't care if its water weight I just have to get down from 24%bf to >20% or from 235-214 (6'2" height/weight limit). I know its going to be difficult and my appointment isn't set yet but I'm looking to be down in 4 weeks at the most. I've been running at least an hour a day and going to the gym an hour a day but it seems as if I lose 2 pounds then the next day I'm back up 2 pounds and I drop back and forth. I'm 21, almost 22, years old so I know its possible to lose this kind of weight in this time frame but I need help on my diet, I try to do my best but I can't seem to get it down right. I've got some clen/t3 coming so that should help a bit. Any advice would be helpful. ie should I go into MEPS dehydrated, will it mess up any of the physical I have to take? anything really. Thanks in advance.

Also I realize I need to get down to a healthy weight over time too, but for now I just need to get through MEPS and then I can worry about getting even more prepared for Basic. (hopefully October 1st if I can get MEPS done in a reasonable time)
They are going to drug test you so don't use anything not OTC. Just eat 1000 below maintenance for the next 4 weeks. That and a little cardio should work real fast.
last time i checked they only did drug testing for like street drugs and neither clen or t3 would come back with a positive result. Am I wrong about that, because most posts people are saying clen/t3/any steroids aren't tested for unless they suspect something.
I'm in the military and I've asked around to some of the seniors on the forum and heard that Clen will show up as a barbituate.

I have never had a Urinalysis come back saying that I was using steroids so your good in that aspect, the only time they will test you is if you blow up in a few weeks and/or you are talking about it. If you decide to do a cycle in the military keep it to yourself and if anyone asks just say you have been putting in more time at the gym.

It is really expensive for them to test for steroids so they dont do it unless you give them a reason.

As far as losing weight bro you have more pounds to lose than this trick can help you will but if you get down to your goal weight and just have water weight to lose go buy a few tubes of Preparation-H and rub it all over your stomach and wrap your stomach with saran wrap and sleep with that on the night before your weigh in, also get a helmet or something and wear it the night before and do neck exercises to make your neck bigger.

If you want to know more just shoot me an email
Drink a shit ton of water every day beginning now. Get yourself a bottle of saline laxitive. 3 days before going to meps, start drinking only a minimum of water. The day before going to meps, drink even less. The night (around 18 hours maybe....need enough time for the laxitive to stop making you shit!!) before going to meps, don't drink any water and drink the whole bottle of saline laxitive. Have reading material next to your shitter, you'll be there a while.

This is not healthy at all. That being said, I have done it a few times for weigh ins and it helps me drop a lot of weight fast. I have since learned to just keep my weight down and it is no longer needed for me to go into ultra retard mode to lose weight fast. Seriously, I know we weigh in twice a year and you can say I have a year or at least 6 months to prepare, but for the last 6 years I wait till the last month before I suddenly relize ...OMG!!!! I need to drop 20 or 30 lbs now!!!!

I usually feel a little light headed doing this and that's about it. I was still able to walk around and be pretty much normal. I have heard people can faint or much worse doing this.
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