Help me pls i am in need of diet/training assistance.


New member
I am a 6'5" 260 pound 16 year old and i would like to be in the 210 pound range by the beginning of summer, roughly 3 months. I don't have a local gym i can go to and i have no idea as to what types of excersises i can do around the house or what foods i should be eating. Please help me with any suggestions you may have. Thanks.
to be honest with u sounds like ur pushing shit up hill....u really need a gym to go to first. then we can layout a workout plan and diet for you
It is hard for me to go to a gym that is an hour away, i live in the middle of the woods, and with school, homework and everything else i don't think i can manage to spend two hours in my car everyday.
And you're 6'5 right? I'm 6'6, 235 and still look pretty slim.. maybe you should concentrate on losing say... 30lbs (pretty damn hard) and while doin that, get that muscle up (which will require a gym). The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn = in your case, more fat loss. If you got down to 210, you would be skinny... assuming your body fat upwards of 17%, I would aim for 230-240lbs with 12-14% BF.

So whats up w/ the gym... and do you know what your body composition is like?
how did tarzan get a bloody ripped body living in the forest... ?? :O

mann to earn soemthign u have to lose something...1 hr is nothing... i have gyms close ot my home but i drive for 25 mins to go to a gym cuz i like that gym more than many other gyms closer to my home..
Thank you for your comments,

yeah trucker your most likely right, and ill look around and ask about any gyms that might be a little closer i might be able to find one.

thanks again.

Well, lets see no gym, and you live in the boonies. Rent a wheel chair no standing. Decrease your calories by 30% and walla... three months in a wheel chair and your leg muscles will be gone. 210 easy my friend. Just kidding...push-ups, pullups, and start a running program. Based on what you have avalible to work with it seems body weight exercises combined with sprinting 400m intervals combined with longer bouts of cardiovascular training should do the trick. 50 pounds is a lot of weight to lose in three months, but it can be done. Clean up your diet. There is a lot of info on the diet forum to help you reach your goals. Good luck,