Help on potential infection


New member
So I started my second cycle with my first one being pinning 250mg(1ml) of test e twice a week in the delts with a half inch needle. This cycle on my first pin with a different brand[Endurexx if that helps] of test e, I did 2.75ml or 687mg of test as a frontload into my left glute with a 1.5 inch needle. My friend did injected it as I thought he would be able to do it better. I accidentally flexed for a good second right as he put it in and the next day the pip was terrible where I could barely walk. I injected saturday and it hurt really bad and was inflamed mainly sunday and monday.However, tuesday I noticed the skin was red and slightly warm where most of the pain had been coming from (where the oil probably spread to) although the pain had gone down fairly significantly and the inflammation was no worse. Now today(wednesday) it does not hurt nearly as bad and doesn't seem to be as inflamed although it definitely still is, but now has a bigger warm red area. I had some night sweats and felt a little run down mosty on sunday/monday, but don't feel any major sickness, although I have been taking alleve so that could be hiding a fever. I am hesitant to go to the university health clinic as I don't know what would happen if I said I did a steroid. I'm thinking it could be due to virgin muscle, too much liquid(my ass is SMALL), and potentially bad gear, but want to remain cautious and open about the possibility of an infection.

Anyway, I wanted to know if anyone else had anything similar and if so what you did. Thanks
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I sterilized my skin sufficiently but didn't clean the vial top because I thought the new vial would be clean(although that was probably not true at all.) I assume the needle was clean but like I said my friend did it (with one of his needles he said was clean) so maybe he was sloppy. Is there anything I should be looking for if I wait a day or two
Wow man always use an unopened fresh pin and I always sterilize my hands the vial new or not and the inject site. Never flex I like doing quads and delts cause I can do it myself but I pin my glutes too I just make sure my girlfriend goes thru my sterilization process. I hope it gets better.
Ya I always use a new needle and clean the vial top but this time I didn't clean the stopper(cause the "new" aspect) and I just assumed he was using a new one when I asked if it was clean but he's saying it was new now so I think I'm in the clear. Flexing by accident was definitely a bad mistake. Thanks though I'll hit the doc if it gets worse
My first quad pinn did that. Swelled up was red and warm. It got a lil better daily but first 3-4 were hell. I could barley walk. But as long as its progressively gettin better I wouldn't worry. It took 8-10 for me to b 100%
I would bet youre completely fine dude. Don't put a bunch of worry into it otherwise youll start to see things that arn't there. On my last cycle I did the exact same thing where i accidentaly flexed or it just went in in a bad spot and there was some bad pip. The areas would feel like there was just like a warm lump there. Completely went away after I was done with my cycle. I think your body is just more sensative in certain areas. Mine only did the bumps on my cheeks but my shoulders were completely fine.
You're fine. It's just irritated. If it gets notably worse, you may have a problem, but it sounds like its heading in the right direction. If you do feel like you have to see the uni clinic, it was a B12 shot.
Ya I think I'm all good, just better to err on the side of caution. Thanks a lot to everyone who responded. Just did my own delt right now, think next time I'll do my glutes myself and I won't be as worried.