Help on what I should do next? Deca? Tren?


New member

I'm a 35 year old male. 240lb.

about 3 years ago I took Test+Deca for about 2-3 months and I saw some serious gains ..

I just got back on and I have been taking Test prop for alittle over 3 weeks now and i wanted to know your opinions on what i should stack my Test with? Deca? Tren?

And if i take the Deca with my Test, is it ok I switch from test prop to test sus? (because i know should only take it twice a week and prop i need to take it EOD)

Thanks for the help guys.
You will find a hesitancy here to just dispense random advice without a responsible amount of info from the inquirer. It would be dangerous for you to just add a 2nd compound if you:

Don't understand AI
Do not understand PCT
Are not doing bloodwork
Are not addressing atrophy

Much more info is needed from you before moving forward. Anything else is just assumptions and my initial assumption is that, as you have already started test and are just now looking into adding more compounds, that you are not yet knowledgeable enough to be messing with AAS at all. But I try not to assume