help please thanks in advance


New member
hey everyone new to the board and just a quick couple of questions hopefully get some advice back.
i am about 6'6 265 and do high intensity workouts everymorning and just can't seem to shed the little extra fat i have. i am wondering what is the best fat burner to take? Also what is ECA not to sure.
i have a very good diet and do cardio all that. just can't seem to get the little extra trim i need.
thanks for all the help
post some more info as far as diet, workout, what your taking now, etc. that way we can help better and give you the right info.
how do you know your diet is very good?

ECA stands for ephedrine/caffeine/aspirin. an excellent dieting aid but do read up on it, it does have side effects and some people have no business touching it.