Help please!!


New member
Current: 6'1 222 15%BF
Goal: 6'1 245 8%BF

I am starting a cycle of sustanon 250 next monday doing 250 on mondays and 250 on thursdays for a total of 500mg per week for ten weeks. I will be training one day on one day off lifting 5X5 heavy. My question is for my diet I know on a diet you must eat like crazy. I already eat alot my question is what do I need to increase on and any tips would be greatly appreciated.

Here it is:
9:00A- three scammbled eggs and cheese
protein drink 24g
11:00A- three rice cakes with tuna and melted cheese topped off with hot
sauce (sounds gross but don't knock it until you try it)
11:30A- Protein drink 24g
12:00P- Workout
1:30P- lean cuisine micowave dinner
protein drink
3:00P- gladiator smoothie- 42g protein
5:30P- Pork, yellow rice, black beans, and salad (I work in a restaurant-free
9:00P- dinner -chicken, mashed potatoes, mixed vegetables.
Protein shake before bed.

P.S I am in college so I am also on a budget that explains the rice cakes,tuna, alot of protein shakes and the lean cuisine dinners . I would like to put on 20 lbs with this cycle would I need to eat more than this, Am I lacking in a certain area? The only supplements I take are whey protein and multi vitamin?? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. thanks
you wanna be eating more eggs for brekki and throw in a few slices of wholmeal for slow release NRG melt the cheese on the toast mmmmm yummy.
you realize you are aiming for 13.7 pounds of fat loss, and 36.7 pounds of lean weight gain, right?

im not sure on the properties of drugs and how they affect body composition, but for the average natural trainee of your size trying to simply gain weight at a decent rate while staying as lean as possible I would say:

~3800 calories on training days. 333g protein, 400g carbs, 96g fat. Adjust carbs and fat for personal preference, but thats the ballpark.

I would also drop the meal frequency if possible. 8 feedings a day would drive most people insane. not to mention the fact that once you finish one meal youre practically starting another.

changes (that i know of) that you would make on a cycle:
more protein (2g per pound of bodyweight)
more calories (500-1000 over maintenence. so 3800-4300)
i believe lower fat intake is recommended on a cycle due to the drugs messing with your lipids, but dont quote me on that.

but then again your slightly optimistic aim for body composition changes kind of screws everything up - you want to lose lots of fat and gain an unheard of amount of muscle in 10 weeks, which is somewhat of an anomaly and hard to provide input for.
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I'm not trying to obtain my goal in ten weeks silly. That is my goal im trying to obtain in years of training. Im not trying to obtain that goal in ten weeks I am not Jay Cutler!! This is my first ever cycle im just trying to bulk right now. The cutting cycles will follow. sorry for any misunderstanding
Mr.Biggins said:
I'm not trying to obtain my goal in ten weeks silly. That is my goal im trying to obtain in years of training. Im not trying to obtain that goal in ten weeks I am not Jay Cutler!! This is my first ever cycle im just trying to bulk right now. The cutting cycles will follow. sorry for any misunderstanding
I kinda had a feeling you werent trying to get it done with one cycle, but thats how it sounded.

good luck