Help Pleaseo


New member
Ok, to start off I'm 27 and just started to use steroids. I inject 1cc of methenolone enanthate (Primobol) and 1cc of Testosterone Propionate (Testabol Propionate). Im on the 1st cycle, 3 weeks into it i started to get a swelling around the area i inject than it gets Very itchy, red and hot. What could cause this? I've done some research and cant seem to find a clear answer to why this happens. I hope i've posted this in the right area. Please help me as idk what to do at this point. i have pictures if i need to post up. Any help i would gladly appreciate. Thank You
Ok, to start off I'm 27 and just started to use steroids. I inject 1cc of methenolone enanthate (Primobol) and 1cc of Testosterone Propionate (Testabol Propionate). Im on the 1st cycle, 3 weeks into it i started to get a swelling around the area i inject than it gets Very itchy, red and hot. What could cause this? I've done some research and cant seem to find a clear answer to why this happens. I hope i've posted this in the right area. Please help me as idk what to do at this point. i have pictures if i need to post up. Any help i would gladly appreciate. Thank You

This would be better in the anabolics section. Sorry no one helped out on this for a couple months, but to be honest it is in the wrong section where people looking at it may not be up on the info.

Two things, one your products have a high sterilizing agent content which leads to some burning and swelling. Or you could have an infection. This is old now though, so obviously you would know either way now...
or may be a delayed allergic reaction to any of the contents :)
consult a doctor and do a CBC looking for increased basophils or oesinophils :)