HELP!! stopping test cyp cycle early


New member
Hello guys. I started my first test cypionate cycle 3 injections ago (at 2cc per week) with some friends. I have done ALOT of research and given it much thought and want to stop my cycle due to that fact I'm 20 and it scares me. Have I already shut down my hpta? Do I need pct? If so for how long? Any help would be appreciated.
Height 5'8

Weight 165

Bf% 13

Training for 5 years
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i dont think you need a post cycle therapy (pct) after only 3 shots of cyp. just in my opinion. but let some of the vets chime in on this
why not just finish the cycle and go on post cycle therapy (pct). Then wait a while before another run.
My diet is set. Have I already suppressed my hpta to the point where it wouldn't be anymore hard on me to continue or not? Please help.
Do you even want to stop? Doesnt sound like it?

You knew what everyone would say, that your too young, which means you read up on it and decided to go through with it anyway. Soooo no one is rally gonna tell you that now, too ate for telling you not like someone above said, just finish your cycle and enjoy the ride go a short one like 10 weeks.

Or cut it out, feel like shit for a bit, it will pass....or try a reduced pct.

My own opinion whats done is safe regardless
Good luck
Thanks man. I don't want to stop per say but it really does make me nervous. I don't want to be on steroids the rest of my life.
Should I finish because I've already done the damage ( if any) to my hpta so stopping now or in six to eight weeks won't matter?
Bwahahaha....3 shots?! Just stop and walk away. You have done minimal damage to your system and it will bounce back very quickly. Your body serum levels will be too low for it to affect anything.
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You should stop and post cycle therapy (pct). Whenever your last injection was, wait 2 weeks and start your post cycle therapy (pct). I believe you can get suppressed from just one test shot, probably not totally shutdown... but at your age especially that is bad and not acceptable. You are too young to cycle and it has nothing to do with you not having reached your genetic potential - you are still developing and can mess it up with steroids for real. Put your gear in a drawer somewhere and get it out again in a few years. Until then, figure out when to start your Clomid, Nolva, or whatever you're going to use and stop for right now.