Hello guys,
My stats
6.1 ft
190 pounds
Gear and dosage - 6 weeks cycle- completed last shot on June 4th yesterday.
T-400x 3 shots 1200mg
Tren 70 mg ED
EQx 2 shots 600 mg
Anavar 40 mg ED
Nolvadex- week 3-6 40 mg. Was scared was Going to get gyno so started it, and now I read that it adds to progestronic side effects.
• I just want to come of my cycle safe and clear with no issues.
• I have stopped all the gear including the nolva on June 4th.
• I have 4 weeks supply of nolvadex 20 mg, and hcg ready to be started in 1.5 weeks from today.
• please help me figure this out guys.
• can I add proviron for hardness of the muscles with my post cycle therapy (pct).
•I have a 30 day hgh kit ready to be used, suggest when I should start it to maintain my gains.
Thank you guys. If I made any big mistake in my cycle please correct me guys.
My stats
6.1 ft
190 pounds
Gear and dosage - 6 weeks cycle- completed last shot on June 4th yesterday.
T-400x 3 shots 1200mg
Tren 70 mg ED
EQx 2 shots 600 mg
Anavar 40 mg ED
Nolvadex- week 3-6 40 mg. Was scared was Going to get gyno so started it, and now I read that it adds to progestronic side effects.
• I just want to come of my cycle safe and clear with no issues.
• I have stopped all the gear including the nolva on June 4th.
• I have 4 weeks supply of nolvadex 20 mg, and hcg ready to be started in 1.5 weeks from today.
• please help me figure this out guys.
• can I add proviron for hardness of the muscles with my post cycle therapy (pct).
•I have a 30 day hgh kit ready to be used, suggest when I should start it to maintain my gains.
Thank you guys. If I made any big mistake in my cycle please correct me guys.