HELP- test, tren, EQ, anavar.


New member
Hello guys,

My stats
6.1 ft
190 pounds

Gear and dosage - 6 weeks cycle- completed last shot on June 4th yesterday.

T-400x 3 shots 1200mg
Tren 70 mg ED
EQx 2 shots 600 mg
Anavar 40 mg ED

Nolvadex- week 3-6 40 mg. Was scared was Going to get gyno so started it, and now I read that it adds to progestronic side effects.

• I just want to come of my cycle safe and clear with no issues.
• I have stopped all the gear including the nolva on June 4th.
• I have 4 weeks supply of nolvadex 20 mg, and hcg ready to be started in 1.5 weeks from today.
• please help me figure this out guys.
• can I add proviron for hardness of the muscles with my post cycle therapy (pct).
•I have a 30 day hgh kit ready to be used, suggest when I should start it to maintain my gains.

Thank you guys. If I made any big mistake in my cycle please correct me guys.
you have NO idea what the hell your doingnore are you ready to be using ANY steroiuds at 190lb at 6'1" never mind even if you where 5'8" at 190.
why would you ask AFTER you have doen the damage?!??? why not BEFORE you use somthing that may hurt you?

just a couple point on why you dont know what the hell your doing:
*HGH for 30 days is unherd of, it takes 5-10months to really notice anythingmuch and is uaualyy run for NO less then 6 motnhs straight.
*a 6 week cycle is somthing some one with NO knowledge would do. (probibly first cycle)
*4 compounds on first cycle shows lack of ..well knowing anything.
* EQ is ran for 12weeks MIN uually 16-18wks
*your using OVER a gram of test on first cycle?!?!? not very smart.
*if this is not your first cycle then this scares me evenmore.
*tren is NOT for newbies and can be VERY VERY hash with side effects for most! i would nto rec it till many years of aas use down the road in my op.

this is just a summery.
not trying to bash you but you have a SHIT LOAD to learn man.........
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Nolvadex- week 3-6 40 mg. Was scared was Going to get gyno so started it, and now I read that it adds to progestronic side effects.

nolva will NOT lower your estrogen an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) should be used for gyno and estrogen control.
prog issues can happen when used with tren or deca or other prog-based steroids. never use nolva ON cycle with tren or deca. for post cycle therapy (pct) it is ok though.
Sorry bro.
This is my 3 cycle I was excited to try tren
I still have my gear with me but today when I was doing my research i bumped into progestronic side effects.
I used nolva during tren for 3 weeks is it a huge problem.
What do I do now please guide bro
getn an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like letro I rec 0.6mg e3d if needed for estrogen control.
I would rec runnign cycle to 12wks with EQ, 6 to 8 weeks with the tren and 14 weeks withthe test at 500mg ew for whoek way threw.
Thanks for replying bro.

Ok this is what I want to do suggest me.
I never had gyno problem or even now I don't, it's just I see some program side effects like acne, a bit boosting.

Can I do this bro

Tren as I'm on my 6 th week keep it Going till 8 week at 50 mg Ed
Test drops it to 600 mg till week 12
EQ 600 mg till week 12
***8226; I do have hcg do I start it at 500 iu for my testes??? Please digest that to bro. Or do i for it for my post cycle therapy (pct).

I will try and get letro ASAP. How many weeks do I Use it for???
Thanks for replying bro.

Ok this is what I want to do suggest me.
I never had gyno problem or even now I don't, it's just I see some program side effects like acne, a bit boosting.

Can I do this bro

Tren as I'm on my 6 th week keep it Going till 8 week at 50 mg Ed
Test drops it to 600 mg till week 12
EQ 600 mg till week 12
***8226; I do have hcg do I start it at 500 iu for my testes??? Please digest that to bro. Or do i for it for my post cycle therapy (pct).

I will try and get letro ASAP. How many weeks do I Use it for???
i would run the test 1-2 weeks longer then EQ since EQ is a slower releasing compound. or cut back the EQ. but ideally t should be ran longer then 12 wks.
for letro i would say only use it if you need it, if you need it run it untill post cycle therapy (pct) startes then stop it withing a couple days of post cycle therapy (pct) starting or before.
Thank you so much bro.
You really helped me today I was so disappointed that I did not read much an lost nice gains I could have had on tren.
Thank you for the advice bro.

I'm off to the gym. Hahaha
So thats way to much gear you doing more harm to your body than good. cut the doses in half. You not an elephant your body can't use. Drop the anvar you should give that to a girl you will never need it. It wasn't doing anything for you. Drop the tren and focus on your diet.

You guys are going to regret doing these cycles when your 40 and have high blood pressure and al the other problems your causing.
So I will be doing 6 weeks of EQ and 8 weeks of test.

Do I need to take any hcg 500 iu EOD durin my cycle?

Can I add provironum?