help these clen cramps go away!!!!

Taurine and stay hydrated.........also if you have problems with cramping don't forget to use Quinnie Sulfate before you show.
Drink even more water... Taurine and Potasium are great too... But water is the key... min. of a gallon/day
water,water,water and more water. I had the same problems. Have it by your side 24/7. I even put a bottle of water beside my bed just incase I get up for some reason I will drink some. Cramps will fade, just takes a little time good luck!

right pumped
water water and more water will put you in a diuretic state before too long and you will lose even more electrolytes.

I'll bet you're low carbing too? I would make sure your getting plenty of salt along with the other items mentioned. When I'm going low carb and cutting back salt it becomes intolerable.
I'm talking about crimpling cramps. The kind that make you stop dead in your tracks.
You may swell up at first from the salt . But it will even out as your tolerance grows and you can cut back as needed.
Or as I learned from a nice lady here sodium load and then deplete as you get closer to some target day (or what ever special nights-but it involves drinking look for some extreme cramps to hit you while in the midst of partying).
5 g of taurine should do the trick..ive never supplemented with pot i just ate bananas and raisins..also make sure to get that water in...
Taurine MUST be used with Clen at 3-5g daily.

Clenbuterol depletes taurine levels in the liver which stops the conversion of T4 to T3 in the liver. Taurine allows the user to avoid the dreaded rebound effect and painful muscle cramps.

It's a must with Clen.

As a side note some say clenbuterol reduces taurine concentrations in the heart, which can make the heart susceptible to damage. But wither way.
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Why is it that this is the first time I am hearing how important it is to take Taurine with Clenbuterol?
mranak said:
Why is it that this is the first time I am hearing how important it is to take Taurine with Clenbuterol?

I don't know. I thought it was pretty much common knowledge.