HELP, which is the right recipe??????


New member
Ok so Iv got 2 recipes for test e, one with a displacement of 1ml and another with 0.75ml displacment. On another post I posted a recipe with .75ml displacment and PB said that it wasnt right since test e displaces approx at 1 ml, and on some other boards they are saying this calc is perfect. Now I know PB and a few others on this board know thier stuff better than anyone I can think of when it comes to this, so please guys help me out.

50 grams test e at 400mg/ml with a 1ml/g displacment

50 grams test e
68.75 mls of oil
ba at 5%-6.25ml


50 grams test e with 0.75ml/g displacment

50 grams test e
81.25ml of oil
6.25ml ba

The calc says I should come out with 125ml of oil. PLEASE someone help me if im wrong with these #s, I really want to make 400mg/ml but dont want to fuck it up. Im about to gice up and go to 250mg/ml which the #s are already posted and done but I dont want to inject all that extra oil. Heres a link to the calulator
The first one is way off, id go with this if i were you:

50G test e
85 ml oil
2.5 ml ba

This will give you 125 ml's of test e at 400mg/ml and 2%ba.
I like the idea to put the test in the beaker, add the BA (and BB if desired) and then fill up to the appropriate line on the beaker.

I don't see that method on any of the stickies, however. Did I get it wrong?
mranak said:
I like the idea to put the test in the beaker, add the BA (and BB if desired) and then fill up to the appropriate line on the beaker.

I don't see that method on any of the stickies, however. Did I get it wrong?

thats exactly what i ended up doing
mranak said:
I like the idea to put the test in the beaker, add the BA (and BB if desired) and then fill up to the appropriate line on the beaker.

I don't see that method on any of the stickies, however. Did I get it wrong?

Thats the method i use, BUT make sure the markings on the beaker are right, mine were off by quite a bit. I used 10cc syringes and water to measure the beakers appropriately.
The only exact way to find the exact powder displacement is to melt it down, weight it, and then suk it up with a syringe. Eventually, the best way that I've found out to do that, is if you have a nice scale you may reset to zero the scale with the syringe on it and then suck the test melted and weight till reach the desired weight.

but if you go with 1ml displacement you are fine because majority goes from 0.95 to 1 ml disp.
you don't need that mutch accuracy anyway, just do some more ml's than you need and you are fine. Because if you want all detail you also have to take out the impurity % that is in the powder :D
NYCEE said:
Thats the method i use, BUT make sure the markings on the beaker are right, mine were off by quite a bit. I used 10cc syringes and water to measure the beakers appropriately.
I remember hearing, many years ago probably in high school, that beakers shouldn't be used for measuring becuase they are inaccurate. What you are saying kind of backs this up.

Graduated cylinders are considered more accurate for measure of volume, correct?

Ah well. I suppose that using the method that you mentioned to will work. Like I could get a 200mL beaker, put 200mL of water in it, and mark it myself with a permenant marker.

I wonder if the scale on the side of your beaker was simply printed too high or too low on the beaker.

Some beakers are more accurate than others, but they all seem to be off by a little. I just mark it myself to be sure.
damn, I never thought beakers and flasks could be inaccurate. Youd think the company would be more accurate with something like chemicals
DougoeFre5h said:
Permanent markers arent permanent on glass - rubs right off.

that's for damn sure. I have a 1000ml beaker and a 100ml beaker and they are both off. The smaller one is off by like 5ml each graduated mark. I just fill them up and try and etch the side of the glass but be careful as they will break. I usually end up using a sharpie and re-applying if need be.

I need a 500ml syringe huh? :D
DougoeFre5h said:
Permanent markers arent permanent on glass - rubs right off.
I thought about asking about that in my post, but then I decided not to.

Maybe I'll use tape or something, then. Or if it is close, then I can eyeball it.
i have several 250ml beakers, if you look on them they usually say + - 5% depending on how much your measuring 5% can be a lot!