Help with acne


New member
Im getting ready to start my first cycle of test at 500/mg week for 12 weeks. My only concern is that i have fought with acne most of my adult life and dont want it to really flare up. What have you guys done to help PREVENT this and also reduce it if it does show up?
Eat very clean, drink 1.5gallons of water per day, cleanse atleast 2 times a day. Everything ive seen on the board so far is how to treat it after it shows up. I want to know if there is any tips or tricks to help prevent it from showing up or getting worse.
use arimidex that helps stop acne and gyno. You will still have oily as hell skin but use some type of cleansing wipe to try and keep the oil undercontrol.
I will have to pick up some arimedex then. Already have aromasin on hand and hoping that was enough. I appreciate the advice. Anything else?
I too had acne problems all my life and take good care to prevent any flare ups. There was nothing I could do to stop it on cycle/during post cycle therapy (pct) though. Just a heads up.
While it wasn't steroid related, I used to have really bad acne and tried everything under the sun. If you can get accutane prescribed, it was the only thing that was able to cure it for me. The only concern is that it's pretty toxic, and taking it in conjunction with AAS might be concerning, but you are required to get monthly blood tests for cholesterol and liver triglycerides levels, which would allow you to keep an eye on things.

Just a thought. Others might object.
I wouldn't mess with accutane. Get salicylic acid products...face wash and body wash. Use them religiously. Also benzoyl peroxide products...same religious use.
@sparkleys... How bad did it flare up on cycle? Im used to having it and have also tried everything under the sun. My sister took accutane. It def worked awsome and cleared up her skin great but def wouldnt think about touching it when on cycle. Ive read too many sides with that stuff
I'd stay away from accutane if possible.
If you're really worried about it, be proactive about it. start a regiment if you haven't already. cleanse with noncomedogenic cleansers twice a day(morn/night) and then apply 2.5-5% benzoyl peroxide. then after that dries, put a layer of fragrence free, noncomenogenic moisturizer. salicylic acid works too, u can interchange with BP if you desire. As for post-acne blemishes, there's not much you can do about that but give it time or get acidic peels done.
Dude, relax a little. You haven't even started and you're panicing about a minor component.

Don't over-wash your skin. Use something mild that does not leave a residue (common store body washes), and don't stress. Stress causes acne, FYI...

So chill out, get some Neutrogena sensitive skin face wash bars, and enjoy the cruise.
Accutane is nasty it has really messed alot of people up. All you have to do keep your estrogen in check!!!!!! Anastrozole will do it or arimidex is the other name.
@sparkleys... How bad did it flare up on cycle? Im used to having it and have also tried everything under the sun. My sister took accutane. It def worked awsome and cleared up her skin great but def wouldnt think about touching it when on cycle. Ive read too many sides with that stuff

I felt like a teenager again. Very visible for me to the point people asked about it. I was also running arimidex as Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and blood test showed only a slightly elevated estradiol level.
It is what it is i guess. Atleast its winter time so i can cover up shoulders/ back. Ill just stay on top of it with the above mentioned products. Def not touching the accutane esp while on cycle.