If you can't get to the endo for 2 months then fair enough, try the restart. If you are going to do it then do it right. If it were me, and this contradicts what I said above as I am now saying add the HCG, I would do the following protocol:
HCG: 500iu/Day for 10 days. Some say blast 2000 EOD, but I don't feel that is necessary,
Aromasin: 6.25mg/day for 10 days
5 day break
Clomid: 30mg/day 6 weeks
Torem:60mg/ day 6 weeks
Aromasin: 6.25mg EOD (Watch for low estrogen sides, and if you get them back off for a week, and then try to space it out more)
I'm an advocate of the aromasin during a restart as it will also encourage the pituitary to prodcue more test through the feedback loop. Low E2 means the body needs more test to aromatise into E2. The HCG is going to mimic LH and stimulate the leydig cells into overdrive. It will suppress the pituitary, but that's really only for 13 days, which isn't going to kill you. The 5 day break will allow the HCG to clear and allow you to "crash" again and then it's time to hit the pituitary with the SERM's. Some will tell you to run insane doses of clomid, but I tried a restart under the supervision of my doctor and he assured me that even 30mg''s is a large dose for men. I have to agree, anything over 30mg's and I get very bad sides. Blurred vision and tracers, patterns on the sidewalk at night, like I'm tripping on mushrooms. Makes me mad as an ant and I'm just a moody bitch. It's really like PMS for men. 30mg is just as effective as 100mg, which is a monster dose, and there is no benefit to taking anything over 30mg. Torem on the other hand is mild. You can take up to 120mg and feel just fine. Although I do not know if there is a benefit to taking 120mg over 60mg.
That's a pretty typical and effective restart. If that doesn't do the trick over an 8 week period then I don't think anything will. I 100% agree with Megatron, if it doesn't work don't put up with the low testosterone. It to is a silent killer. You are doing yourself an injustice and you deserve better. Why not live this life at the optimal level? For a male, you are not living at the optimal level in a testosterone range of less than 500. You are young and deserve to be at the high end of normal for a 25 year old. I would say you are wasting your 20's if you go through them at a test level of a 50 year old. I encourage you to think long and hard about that decision.