help with cutting cycle


New member
hi , first time posting here so im going to "intruduce" myself .
im 26 years old 5.8" 190lbs , ive run 2 previous cycles , first was test e only and second was
test prop + tren ace + turinabol.
im looking to cut up from 12% to 8 or 9

now my problem is , im short on money this summer , and i already have some gear stored up, i have injectable winstrol enough for 6 weeks , 100 pills of oral tren and 3 10ml bottles of test E , also have adex , nolva, clomid and hcg.

now my question is , can i cut on test e? or it will give me THAT mutch bloat , even running adex and winstrol?

if so , what dose do you recomend? lower than 600?

ty for the responses
If your carbs are low and you are using arimidex you will be fine.
And unless you are heavily salting your foods you shouldn't look watery.

If you get down to 8% and 'look' watery, you're not 8%.

600mg or even 500mg is good enough for cutting as your main focus is muscle preservation. And with the other compounds you will be fine.

Try to get inj. Tren, I have never used the oral.
carbs are as low as 120g , and i dont add salt to anything , only eating carbs at breakfast , pre and pos training. breakfast oats , pre brown bread or rice , pos banana.