Help with cutting cycle???!!!


New member
Hey guys

So I'm wanting to start my third injection cycle.. My first two were oral only with dbol..

I'm wanting to shred up an retain good muscle size an definition..I've done some good previous cycles with injectables were 12 weeks of test e at 500mg a week split into two and my most recent was 12 weeks at sus 250 at 400mg a week-the sides with this were more pimples than with test e..

Weight 92kg(190lbs approx)
Height 193cm (6.4ft)
Bodyfat 11%
Age 24.

Im thinking of doing this

Week 1-8 : tren e at 300 mg a week divided in half mon an Thurs injections..
Week 1-10(maybe 12) test e at 500mg divided in half mon an thur injections
Week 6-10 :winny tabs at 30-40mg a day.

My only confusion is what an when to post cycle therapy (pct) with..

Week 1-10 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 250iu every 4th day??
Then clomid or nolva after last test shot for 4 weeks?dosage not sure of..

Any advice on this would be great.I need some help putting this together.
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