Help with cycle please.

My friend..

Weight > 240 but < 260
BF > 10% but < 25%
Big frame
Injuries in most muscles that have healed.

-Has been on 2iu HGH EOD (was on 5iu EOD past 2 months. before that he went through 2mg of IGF1 lr3 over a 4 month period and saw improvement in tendon strength)
-Has been on Glucosamine and chondroitin for past 3 months.
-Has sensitive joints and tendons.
-The tendons don't feel like their being injured when working out anymore.
-Joints can take a beating now with only slight inflammation that is gone by morning.
--Has been working out lightly. Long warm up of all joints then pushups, situps, flutter kicks, swimmers and then I stretch lightly. (has seen an improvement in muscle texture and size of firmness of tendons)
-Has been eating at least 100 grams of protein a day from whey and meat products.
-Takes multivitamin

My friend has told me that he is rehabilitating his body. Lots of misuse and poor nutrition caused wasting, injuries, and weakness. He says that he has seen a large improvement in his real strength and abilities. He says he has been taking it easy and recently started working out with weights and to his surprise was able to finish a light routine without a single injury. He was plagued by injuries prior to using the IGF1 and HGH.

He wants to take another cycle of test but this time he wants some actual lube in the joints. He said he took a cycle of sustanon at about 300 mg per week and didn't see much results except a little more definition. He explained that his ancillary usage was spot on throughout the cycle and post cycle therapy (pct). He explained that his testicle size returned to normal and has stayed there. He believes that no permanent decline in T levels has been observed due to the low dose of testosterone used. The amount of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) used was also low. 200ius was taken at least twice a week when the testicles showed signs of shrinkage. Nolvadex was also taken throughout the cycle. Dose of nolvadex was increased during post cycle therapy (pct).


Currently, he is saying that he could use some help figuring out the best cycle but he is torn between a few compounds.

He has a large supply of nolvadex and whey protein isolate. He also has enough HGH to last for another month or two. He wants to spend less than 200$ and be on for around 6 weeks. He says he isnt interested in high doses of testosterone because it is toxic to the brain cells that produce and release LH. I told him I never heard of that be he feels strongly that test and DHT are very bad for the HPTA system. He's finding it hard to put together a cycle that wont reduce collagen synthesis and/or prevents joint damage. He has considered low dose anabol as a way to increase protein synthesis and lube the joints and muscles slightly but it isn't as strong as DECA for the joints but DECA isnt as strong on protein synthesis plus it costs more. NPP is cheap and might be usable at low doses to combat the effects of testosterone on collagen enough for me to have a long aerobic work out but he is unsure how much is needed to get the joint lubrication effect. Tren is said to lubricate joints and be far stronger than test but he cant find any information about its long term effects on LH levels.

This is his "base" and is as high as he is willing to go.

Test 200 mg per week
Nolvadex 5mg per day

These are the variable he is having problems with..

Anabol - for potent protein synthesis and full body lube
D-bol - for protein synthesis and full body lube
Tren E - for protein synthesis and joint lube
Tran A - for protein synthesis and joint lube
Deca - for protein synthesis and joint lube
NPP - for protein synthesis and joint lube

What he is looking for is to increase muscle mass while loosing fat. He was a bit over weight and is now loosing it and has slimmed down quite a bit with the use of HGH frag. There is still burnable fat and he wants to utilize it during the cycle.

Your "friend", or you, would be wise not to even consider AAS use anytime soon. I couldn't even make it past the 3rd or 4th paragraph with a straight fAce. Im leaving it at that, make of my advice but you will, but you are not ready (or your friend) for anything but training naturally, learning more about nutrition, and possibly a trip to the chiro/orthopedic.
well that is the typical response he gets from gym rats... feel free not to try and help me if you don't understand that not everyone wants to be a gym rat and not everyone wants to be OPTIMAL... Body builders can survive on low incomes eating fast food if they choose to. If your reread the post maybe you will get the point. He is at his max potential without steroids. He cant get to were he needs to be in his mind without something to make up for what has happened in the past (injuries, wasting, ect). He wants to make the gains in a real way. No fake mutant shit is necessary.
well that is the typical response he gets from gym rats... feel free not to try and help me if you don't understand that not everyone wants to be a gym rat and not everyone wants to be OPTIMAL... Body builders can survive on low incomes eating fast food if they choose to. If your reread the post maybe you will get the point. He is at his max potential without steroids. He cant get to were he needs to be in his mind without something to make up for what has happened in the past (injuries, wasting, ect). He wants to make the gains in a real way. No fake mutant shit is necessary.

Feel free and not try to help YOU? I thought this was your friend? If you (or he) doesn't want to be a gym rat, than no need for any sort of cycle advice since starting in a cycle you really should be a gym rat and kick up your training a notch. Your posts are filled with hypocritical, conflicting statements making any type of help impossible to accomplish. I tried retreading the post and again couldn't help but laugh...A SECOND TIME. You or your friend weigh 240 or 260 and taking in only 100g of protein? That's less than .5g/lb BW. You or he take a multivitamin? Bioavailability is much lower in a multi than whole foods and the risk of nutrient toxicity is much greater, so I don't understand if its a good thing or bad thing unless the whole diet is listed. His body fat is greater than 10% but less than 25% so that makes him or you either have outlines of abs or damn near clinically obese, which one is it? He has a large stash of whey protein isolate, you make it sound like that's a class 1 felony for being in possession of whey protein. He wants to spend 200$ but be on for 6wks??! You have no fucking clue what you're talking about (and if your friend is real, he doesn't either). A trip to the doctor is what you need not gear advice. There is so much bullshit in your 2posts here that I'm teppmtped to call you a troll. How anybody could be this stupid and look to gear for the answer shouldn't surprise me but its still gets the lulz. Maybe you or your friend are looking for that "fake mutant shit" idk but look up soniabrito on here. He's advertising gear and shit maybe you guys can buy up some of his ecstasy and crystal meth and I guarantee he won't feel anymore pain.
My friend is here to use the computer...

i eat well + a multi vitamin.

I'm not training hard so I get 100 g of protein a day. If I were training hard and had my protein synthesis going on I would be taking 200g a day.

I get lots of water and my protein powder has tons of amino acids in it.

its enough to make gains and stay healthy.

It surely was a pain in the ass typing that post out and I surly dont feel like posting my diet. I get vegtables, brown rice, oat meal, meat, ect.
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