Help with gyno/pct protocol


New member
So I am coming towards the end of my Sust250 cycle, over the last week or so I started to develop a little gyno. The "lumps" are roughly pea sized and my nips are pretty sensitive. I have been taking .25mg arimidex EOD but have increased it to ED. The sensitivity/pain has subsided with the increased arimidex but the lumps have not changed. No lactation issues.

I ended up ordering some more Arimidex and some Ralox from RUI but I'm not sure how I should run my pct now.

The original protocol was the standard Nolva/Clomid 40/40/20/20 - 100/100/50/50

I'd like to start the Ralox asap because I want to get the gyno under control, as I cannot afford the surgery. I talked to my primary dr, but she was not really very helpful. just scheduled a breast ultrasound and will follow up depending on the results.

How would you guys run pct to include the ralox?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
If I were you I would run pct just as you had initially planned. I used nolva to clear gyno dosed at 40 for the first 2 weeks then 20a week until it's gone the planned pct, reevaluate the gyno after, if it's still there then start ralox at 60 a day and go from there, but pct might just clear it up. You should have gotten blood work to ensure your ai was properly dosed. If you did then I apologize. It is still possible to get gyno after checking blood, but certainly far far less likely.
Yeah, unfortunately I did not get bloods done. My dr said she'll have me do blood work after the results ff the ultrasound, even though I insisted having them done prior. Like I said in my original post, she has not been very helpful in this situation.

I guess sometimes you need to learn the hard way, I thought I did enough research and had everything under control. Apparently, I was wrong, lol.
I was originally going to order some Letro but read that the Ralox worked just as well.

Would the Ralox/Tamoxifen be an adequate pct?

Ralox is a better choice for gyno.
Letro will crash your estradiol in a blink.
Norsegod way would be the way I ll do it.,
Good luck.
Ralox is a better choice for gyno.
Letro will crash your estradiol in a blink.
Norsegod way would be the way I ll do it.,
Good luck.

this is not true at all my friend and are 2 completely different types of medication.

SERMS are not good at reducing testosterone induced gyno, but for some reason are good at treating pubertal induced gyno. There are many studies showing AI's work better ion that scenario, especially in cases where SERM's had no effect at all.

Not to mention over the years I have helped numerous people reduce gyno lumps. Letro is the ONLY thing worth taking to reduce gyno, SERMS will work for stopping it, but they will not reduce pre existing.

The whole idea of treating pre exist gyno is to crash estro. By the time you get lumps, gyno has been brewing for months.

So I don't know where you got your info brother, but its 100% wrong.
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@ det;
Big respect to you brother, but I had amazing success with gyno running ralox..
Here is a good read from our mutual friend austinite :

How do I reverse gynecomastia?

Letrozole is an aromatase inhibitor. One of the most powerful aromatase inhibitors available today. Far too many people are considering this method because many moons ago it was touted as a good tool for reversal. We've learned a lot since then and Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERM) studies on gynecomastia reversal are readily available for confirmation.

I did a short experiment myself recently when my E2 came back at 46 pg/mL (Range < 29 for a sensitive E2 assay). I did not experience gynecomastia, but I wanted to bring that down back to range. The increase was likely due to switching my Testosterone Therapy administrations from subcutaneous (SubQ) to intramuscular (IM). IM injections have more of an impact on E2 due to faster absorption. This result came about on July 2nd. I had a Letrozole prescription laying around and figured I'd give it a go. It's been so long since I've used Letrozole. My prescription was for 100 microgram capsules.

I administered 100 mcg. (Micrograms) daily. After the 10th day I felt miserable and so I discontinued use. One week after I stopped, I tested E2 again and it came back 2 pg/mL. Remember, this is a full week after Letrozole was discontinued. So it had to be at zero, or "too low to count" for several days. I was bedridden for several days. Completely useless and couldn't find a reason to get up and about. If you've killed your E2 before, you know exactly what I mean. I don't wish this on anyone. Really amazes me that some folks are running this thing using milligram after milligram several times per week. And these "Gynecomastia Reversal" threads using these astronomical doses are just mind boggling. Pretty eye opening once again. Anyway, I waited a while and got back on DIM.

The entire letrozole for gynecomastia reversal came about in 2001 when a study was published. This study was done on mice, not humans. So don't be a mouse, be a man. PMID: 11850204 if you want to look it up.

To give you an example of how low this drug is supposed to be dosed, it was studied in extremely obese hypogonadal men. Overweight men convert far more estrogen than non-overweight men. This is because they carry far more aromatase enzymes. Using Letrozole, these highly aromatizing men were treated with doses of 2mg to 2.5mg once per week. If we break that up, you're looking at about 285 micrograms per day. That's it. This powerful drug never, under any circumstances should be used in a milligram + basis on a daily administered protocol. It is simply outrageous. Reference here.

Let's look at some more recent studies:

Dated: 2011 - Effects of aromatase inhibition on male breast

Tamoxifen was much more effective, however, in the prevention of gynecomastia in these men. Due to these disappointing results, aromatase inhibitors are not recommended as a first-line treatment for gynecomastia in men.

^ Click here for the source of the excerpt above.

Dated: 2004 - Beneficial effects of raloxifene and tamoxifen in the treatment of pubertal gynecomastia

Inhibition of estrogen receptor action in the breast appears to be safe and effective in reducing persistent pubertal gynecomastia, with a better response to raloxifene than to tamoxifen. No side effects were seen in any patients.

^ Click here for the source of the excerpt above.

Dated: 2004 - Management of physiological gynaecomastia with tamoxifen

Thirty-six men accepted tamoxifen for physiological gynaecomastia. They were offered oral tamoxifen 20mg once daily for 6-12 weeks. Oral tamoxifen is an effective treatment for physiological gynaecomastia, especially for the lump type.

^ Click here for the source of the excerpt above.
So we've learned a couple things here. We know that an Aromatase Inhibitor is a poor choice, and we also learned that SERM's are more effective, safer and with no side effects. Lastly, we learned that while Tamoxifen is effective, it is superseded by the superior SERM; Raloxifene.

Aromatase inhibitors are not selective and will demolish your estradiol levels with prolonged use, rendering you miserable and useless. In the case of Letrozole, you could deplete your E2 levels to nothing in no time. SERMs like Tamoxifen and Raloxifene are pure antagonist in the E receptor in breast tissue. This is what mainly makes a SERM the clinically preferred drug for gynecomastia reversal.


Raloxifene: 60mg daily for 10 days, then 30mg daily util reversed. You should see improvement in approx. 4 to 6 weeks. If you choose to run 60 mg daily until it's gone, do not exceed 60 days.

Tamoxifen: 40mg daily for one week. Then 20mg daily until gynecomastia is reversed.

Both protocols above will take time. This is not a 2 week process. Reversal will require patience. But it most certainly is effective, side-effect-free and cost incredibly effective when compared to surgery.If you're too lazy to follow the links and read... Raloxifene is the superior compound today for reversing gynecomastia. It can be dosed on or off cycle at 60mg daily up to 80mg daily until your gynecomastia is reversed. I will not be answering any questions that have already been answered in this thread, or in the threads linked above.
the 2011 study you posted was not men who developed gyno from testosterone, its a study on treating pubertal gyno.

The development of gynecomastia in hypogonadal men undergoing TRT can be very troubling to affected individuals, and may result in cessation of therapy. Since TRT is generally considered elective because it is administered for quality of life rather than for a life-threatening illness, both radiation therapy and surgical treatment are often regarded by patients and physicians alike as being too invasive a treatment for gynecomastia and, instead, testosterone treatment is often discontinued by patients if they are embarrassed by the breast enlargement. Successful treatment with an oral medication such as an aromatase inhibitor thus represents an attractive alternative therapy, and should be considered for symptomatic men.

Treatment of testosterone-induced gynecomastia with the aromatase inhibitor, anastrozole

Big difference between pubertal gyno and testosterone induced gyno

^^^^ that study was performed by Dr Morgentaler, probably the most foremost expert on testosterone in the world.
I was also looking for another study but I can't find at the moment. Basically it shows anastrozole worked in cases when tamoxifen did not, with testosterone induced gyno. when I find it I will post it up.