Help with mass building workout

P Bateman

New member
Been lifting for 8 years, just curious as to how you other guys break down your mass building workouts. Meaning how many days you lift, whats mucsle group(s) you work on that day. Number of reps and sets. Also if you got the time to kill which excersises you do for that muscle group. Also have always had a problem with forearms being a lagging mucsle any help on which excerises you guys prefer would help. I am thinking of trying some different routines so any info would be helpful.
Welcome to ology!

Well my routine is always changing Right now it's

day 1 : Back/tris
Day 2 : Shoulders
Day 3 : Quads
Day 4 : Rest/Cardio
Day 5 :Chest/Bis
Day 6 :Hams
Day 7 : Rest

Rep range from 6-8. 3 Sets
I build my routine around Deads, Squat, and Bench.
I really don't do any direct forearm work Cleans and deads hit them pretty hard.

I 've also tried HST and powerlifting routines with much success.
Good luck.

Mostly basic exercises and heavy as hell, 4-6reps on everything.