help with my My cycle, should i stop my hrt?


so im 40
5'11 220pd
on hrt, clomid 25mcg eod keeps my total levels of test aroud hi 400s low 500s

thinking of running a small cycle.

prop 100mg eod
masteron e 400mg a week
anavar 20mg ed
tren a, last 8 weeks of cycle
also got t3 and clen

got cialis, and dex in hand if needed. any suggestions?
should i stop hrt to cycle? if so why?
you need to stay on top of your blood works if you want to cycle while on hrt. if not you will be worst off than when you where just doing hrt.
I keep my trt going and add in my cycles. I would suggest the same....perhaps especially in your case since you rely on clomid. I love clomid and use it on cycle. It helps....maybe not for everyone but it does for me.
I keep my trt going and add in my cycles. I would suggest the same....perhaps especially in your case since you rely on clomid. I love clomid and use it on cycle. It helps....maybe not for everyone but it does for me.

thanks for the answer, that's what a thought , since my hrt is clomid, it might just help and keep my boys working.
thanks for the answer, that's what a thought , since my hrt is clomid, it might just help and keep my boys working.

Yep. My testosterone shuts me down some.....but clomid cranks my balls back up just a little while on cycle. If you get your your lh and fsh checked you will find that the clomid can keep you at 30 or 40 percent of what they were before test. At least that's what mine does. Again everyone is different.
Esters not only effect release times but also the potency of the Testosterone as esters make up part of the steroid weight. This must be taken into account when calculating dosages. The longer the release time the less free hormone. For example propionate is about 15% more potent mg. for mg. then enanthate so 500mg of propionate would equal about 575 mg. of enanthate.
Yeah started my cycle recently, everything is good ao far, still running my trt. Keeping my gains on low calories, and loosing bfDonating blood soon since my hemoglobin is around 17.1 like to keep it lower