help with new cycle

Keeper of Chaos

New member
234 12-13

dropped down from 254

done a few cycles. been around for a long time.

two unknowns prior to starting my cycle are length and compounds. It would have to be a longer run due to gh. Also, I would like to try to some exotic or new compounds. money is not an issue.

wks 1-8
revol labs tri stack prop/mast. tren ace. 2cc eod 100mg of each
4iu of gh wks 1-24
PCGLx3 shots daily no more than 250 mcgs per day
wks 1-8 var @ 80-100mgs

Proviron 50mg ed
Noval on hand
300-500mcg e3d. first use so I will play by ear with dosing

now I may start test enathate from beginning? I would like to possibly throw in eq, primo, tren e.

thoughts and suggestions? thanks
i forgot clen and t3 as well. work up to 120 mcg clen. since I will be taking the t3 for a peroid of time I will sit at 50mcg. no ramp up or down.

no other suggestions or help?