HELP with post cycle therapy (pct) , to much conflicting advice!


New member
HELP with PCT , to much conflicting advice!

Hello team
This is my first time posting here ,although i have been creeping the forums for about a year now and steriodology seems to be the most professional and comprehensive site regarding steroid usage.

My predicament.... Did my first cycle this year , i am turning 26 in a week (July 3) got my hands on some german labs testosterone cypionate. I was administrating 500mg a week, 250mg on Sunday and 250mg on Wenesday. rotating both quads and shoulders when pining. I have reached week 10 and don't have any more juice:( wanted to go for 12 weeks. My last pin was Sunday (June 24). I have HCG and Nolva on hand for post cycle therapy (pct).. Yes I know HCG is not a post cycle therapy (pct) substance and should be used along side your cycle. Today is Wednesday (June 28) , I have figured that the cypoinate/test levels will stay in my system for aprox 2 weeks. I plan on pinning HCG today for these 2 weeks and then start the Nolva after my last injection of HCG for approx 20 days.
There is so much conflicting information about dosage for both HCG and Nolva and I really need some solid dosage info.

A: How much HCG should I administer and can I use my 25 gauge shoulder pins to pin intramuscular with HCG. Or should i just scrap HCG wait 2 weeks and hit the Nolva.

B: what doesage of Nolva should I take daily and how long?

I will make another post in another more appropriate forum with my results and how I fucked up this first cycle by having a grand mal seizure during my sleep in week 7 and was hospitalized for a week and put on just fluids FML. I have been through alot lately so I ask you to please keep the criticism of my lack of knowledge till a later time lol.

Any information will be greatly appreciated, please specify if you need any further information!
Thank you for your time
Do you have to run noth clomid and nolva or just one. Also how long should you wait to take it after final injection and how long should you run it for
Do you have to run noth clomid and nolva or just one. Also how long should you wait to take it after final injection and how long should you run it for

Some people like to run just one, some people like running both. You should wait until the AAS clears out of your system, which generally takes two weeks for long esters. Most people run PCT for 4 weeks... But none of this is set in stone.