Help with PWO Shake?


Product of Test
Being Lactose intolerant really hurts me in regards to going out and buying whey powder considering their basically just milk isolates. Everyt the time I drink a whey product im in the bathroom 20 minutes later it sucks.

So Im wondering what else would be good for PWO? I always throw a scoop of amino powder in and scoop of gatorade but I need a good protein source. I tried and just ordered more Goat Whey from Oryx that shit rocks no bloat, no bathroom trips but the stuff is pricey.

I was wondering about soy protein from EAS? Or even throwing in some Brewers Yeast. Your thoughts, opinons appreciated.

I'm not too sure what all being lactose intolerant restricts you from; but have you considered egg whites immediately following. As gross as it sounds, often when im in a time crunch, i whisk up ~5 egg whites and down it just like that. very good source of protein.

i know Isopure makes a lactose free protein. they are also a bit pricey but in the end, probably worth it.
Eggs are considered dairy, so I don't think that would work with you being lactose intolerant. However, egg whites are an excellent source of protein. You can hard boil the eggs and take them on the go, etc. They're not bad raw, but much easier to take down hard boiled, and doing so does not boil out any of the protein. In regards to the soy protein from EAS that is something I've been researching all day. Soy, although praised for so much, seems to be a horrible substance. Said to increase estrogen levels in men and even cause infertility. Google "soy protein harmful" and you will get a ton of links to read up on. For men I would not recommend soy, and would furthermore encourage you to stay away from it. Other sources of protein....chicken breast (cook a ton of it in one day and keep it in the fridge or on the go.......tuna in a can (something like 35g protein. you can take it anywhere, dont forget a can opener, and pound it raw............nuts, almonds especially........peanut butter...........I dunno thats a couple ideas. Hope it helps.
Eggs are not dairy, and are fine if you are lactose intolerant. Costco sells egg whites by the carton inexpensively. Drink it straight from the carton, you'll get used to it. gemma pea protein also contains no lactose. True protein sells it in bulk and you can use fruit flavors successfully on it which doesn't work too well for whey.

The bloat and indigestion you experience may not be solely due to lactose intolerance. Beef protein powder has no lactose but will probably give you just as much trouble. On the other hand I have known mildly lactose intolerant people to swear by Gasparis Myfusion Milk Chocolate, which does have milk protein. Everyone reacts differently. Experiment.
im lactose intolerant also and ultimate nutrition whey works great for me, it is lactose free and contains aminogen