Help with Rip Blend Cycle


New member
Any experience with this product would be greatly appreciated. I've done a little research but there seems to be mixed reviews on the dosage... I know this is a grey area & there's a fair bit of trial & error involved but it's always interesting to hear other opinions.

The product I'm considering taking is Rip Blend 200. 75mg Test Prop, 75mg Tren Ace & 50mg Mast Prop.

I'm 6ft 2, 232lbs, 15% bf. This will be my 2nd cycle. I want what all bodybuilders want, to gain muscle & lose fat at the same time. Also strength is very desirable.

1ml Mon Wed Fri be sufficient...?

I'm currently running Test Enathate up to week 6, also did a 5 week Dbol kickstart (30mg Dbol ed & 450mg Test ew) I've responded amazingly, as you do on first cycles. So it'll be interesting to know what I could do with a stronger compound like Tren. I've gained 11kg in 6 weeks & bf has stayed the same. Zero sides.

I only want to run short cycles in the future 4-6 weeks. I don't want to 'front load' so I'll be using fast esters, which is partly why I'm contemplating the Rip Blend, maybe even stacking it with Oxys for added strength gains.

Most pin that every day. Most also have lower body fat. Why not get through your first cycle before jumping the gun. Diet will play the biggest part in weight loss/muscle gain...
I would think eod injections would be ok. Test only would be a Better first cycle however. We're there to be any issues, to where would you point the finger?
i took this for 8weeks 0.5ml ed for 6weeks then 0.75ml ed for 2weeks, with 30mg winstrol ed, my weight stayed the same but i got veins and cuts everywhere abs come threw, i was cutting at the time, my diet was good and clean
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Yes yes, this for a future cycle I'm talking roughly 4-5 months time. My diet is top notch, I'm a personal trainer & fully qualified nutritionist. But yes totally agree, the food defines you. Since leaving the Paras 4.5 months ago I've gained 3st 7lbs & bf has gone up 4% so not tooo bad...

Henchpanda did you experience much in the way of strength gains...?! I really think the rip & oxys might prove to be a good combo. It's unreal how much my strength has gone up with just a small dose of test e & dbol, bench is up 36lbs in 6 weeks.