help with tb500 dosage info please...


New member
tore bicep a couple of months ago. am currently "cruising" on 200mg test wk. was going to do deca next run in end of nov but seriously considering doing tb500 instead and just running tren when it's time to blast again.
seems everyone is raving about it and it's ability to aid in repair. my question is . most run 2-4mg w/k yet most vendors i find that sell only sell in 2mg bottles... something like 20 damn bottles for 10 weeks. am i missing something? does this stuff need to be reconstituted, so like a 2mg bottle will produce 5 mg of final product?
Its not like its concentrate if thats what you mean. As an example 2mg reconstituted in 2ml of BAC Water equates to 2mg:2ml or 1mg per ml also often referred to as 1000mcg/ml. Some vendors will sell it in 2mg, 5mg and 10mg vials. Just depends where you get it from I guess.