help with test booster supps


New member
Hi was just wondering if you guys could help me out. Are the natural test boosters from supplement stores like gnc and beneficial to take by themselves to increase gains or are they only used in post cycle therapy (pct). I guess what i am asking is it a waste of money to do them on there own. I have never done a cycle thiking about it real hard. Just wondering if a natural test booster alone would give me some more gains?
Hi was just wondering if you guys could help me out. Are the natural test boosters from supplement stores like gnc and beneficial to take by themselves to increase gains or are they only used in post cycle therapy (pct). I guess what i am asking is it a waste of money to do them on there own. I have never done a cycle thiking about it real hard. Just wondering if a natural test booster alone would give me some more gains?

Check out Formadrol Extreme by LG Sciences. There has been some excellent bloodwork posted.

PCT products are great as standalone performance enhancers as well.
is there any sides i should worry about with these two together? what is a good site to get hcgenerate i usualy use for most my supps but the just have the formadrol.

is there any point to trying this or should i just go straight to a twelve cycle of test e
is there any sides i should worry about with these two together? what is a good site to get hcgenerate i usualy use for most my supps but the just have the formadrol.

is there any point to trying this or should i just go straight to a twelve cycle of test e

Nutraplanet,, BN, DPS, FitnessFirstUSA, etc.
is there any sides i should worry about with these two together? what is a good site to get hcgenerate i usualy use for most my supps but the just have the formadrol.

is there any point to trying this or should i just go straight to a twelve cycle of test e

NO SIDES at all like you WILL get from a cycle of test e. HCGenerate can only be purchased at and formadrol is REAL cheap over on this site:
LG Sciences Formadrol Extreme XL (90 caps)
thanks for the help bros! i think i might go with the formadrol hcgenerate combo, what dosage shoudl i be looking at?

Also are the gains maintained after i am off the supp.

Still feel i am a year away from doing a real cycle
thanks for the help bros! i think i might go with the formadrol hcgenerate combo, what dosage shoudl i be looking at?

Also are the gains maintained after i am off the supp.

Still feel i am a year away from doing a real cycle

Yes gains will be maintainable, I suggest 4-6 caps of Formadrol Extreme splitted at 2 dosages am/pm. The HCGenerate should be loaded at 10caps for the first week and then 5 day split at your convenience.
Hi was just wondering if you guys could help me out. Are the natural test boosters from supplement stores like gnc and beneficial to take by themselves to increase gains or are they only used in post cycle therapy (pct). I guess what i am asking is it a waste of money to do them on there own. I have never done a cycle thiking about it real hard. Just wondering if a natural test booster alone would give me some more gains?

I am currently on and am a huge fan of Sustain alpha, phyto-test, and tcf-1 combo. I feel like im on a mild ph. and im leaning out quite a bit. Primordial Performance has a legit sale atm 2