Help with Tren A/ Test E Cycle


New member
I'm running a half CC of Tren A and a half cc of test E every 3 days. On my 4th week and I'm up 10 pounds. Any suggestions on dosage? Is this fine? Please help
Mg per ml would help as would your age cycle history and statistics my good man.


10 pd s in 4 week s of GOOD hard stuff s good yes. If 5 pounds are in ur face or kangles-no.
10lbs in 4 weeks!!!! Damn! If that's solid gains u need to post up your diet and routine....share the wealth. Something tells me it ain't tho...just saying.
How in hell do you think your body can build, grow 10lbs LMM in 4 days or even two weeks. Did you graduate high school? :dunno:

I walked off stage more then once , went straight to Pizza Hut and gained 8 lbs when I weighed myself at the motel. Long ago I started a cycle , worked out fore a week, hurt my back a little, (not serious) took the 2nd week off and was up 11 ponds. Ya think that was solid gains, MM. :dance2:
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