

New member
Ive been working out for about a month.. im 17 and 167lbs and about 5'9..


Day One (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)

Dumbell Presses

Military Press
Standing lateral raises
Cable laterals

Cable Pressdowns
One-arm tricep extensions

Day Two (Back, Biceps)

T-Bar rows
Wide Grip Pulldowns
Upright Rows

Barbell curls
Incline dumbell curls
Hammer Curls

Day Three (Legs)

Leg extensions
Leg curls
Seated calf raises

Daily Diet
morning - Protein shake in the morning
lunch - Bologne sandwich, banana and apple
dinner - Protein shake.. steak potatoes some vegetables..

i do about 3 sets of 10 reps on every exercise

I drink a little bit of caffeine.. About 3 cups of water a day..

Can anyone give me some advice on what im doing? I really need help.


I don't take steroids, do I have a chance?

I used to feel the pain and the pump is not what it used to be . Am I doing something wrong?

Is there anything I can do to make the soreness after a workout go away?

What exactly are bulking and cutting, cycles. Please explain it to me!! Can you bulk and cut without steroids?

I've been reading this forum and I posted pics of me and people said I should start to eat alot of calories. I know carbohydrates play a role in muscle building but if i eat alot of carbohydrates instead of proteins will I be gaining muscle?

How long does an average person bulk and cut??

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dr00fy said:
Ive been working out for about a month.. im 17 and 167lbs and about 5'9..


Day One (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)

Dumbell Presses
do you do any incline movements, ie incline db press or flies?

Military Press
Standing lateral raises
Cable laterals

Cable Pressdowns
One-arm tricep extensions

Day Two (Back, Biceps)

T-Bar rows
Wide Grip Pulldowns
Upright Rows
upright rows are more for shoulders, id throw in some bent over barbell rows, pullups, etc.

Barbell curls
Incline dumbell curls
Hammer Curls

Day Three (Legs)

Leg extensions
Leg curls
Seated calf raises
not enough work for legs. heavy squats, deadlifts, leg press, throw in another exercise for calves.

Daily Diet
morning - Protein shake in the morning
lunch - Bologne sandwich, banana and apple
dinner - Protein shake.. steak potatoes some vegetables..
what are your goals? to shed some fat? gain more muscle? First of all, you are not eating ENOUGH, you need to be eating 6 times a day. every 2.5-3 hours to keep your metabolism rolling and to provide your body with the proper amino acids from proteins to help those muscles grow! aim for AT LEAST 1g of protein per lb of bodyweight, altho Ideal would be 1.5g/lb. Your not eating enough for breakfast either. you need good WHOLE foods here. again, protein and complex carbs such as old fashioned oatmeal. ...bologne is fake! too overprocessed and very bad for you!! stick to chicken, tuna, egg whites, lean beef, fish, cottage cheese, etc. carbs- brown rice, beans/legumes, sweet potatoes, fiberous veggies, bran. you also need some HEALTHY fats, flax oil, olive oil, fatty fish, nuts/seeds in moderation. do you take in a post workout shake?

i do about 3 sets of 10 reps on every exercise
for muscle building purposes aim for 6-8 reps until failure.

I drink a little bit of caffeine.. About 3 cups of water a day..
NOT near enough water.. .aim for at least a gallon!!!

Can anyone give me some advice on what im doing? I really need help.


I don't take steroids, do I have a chance?
defintly, who knows where your genetic potential will take you. You really need to work on fine tuning your diet and workout routine and your on your way! stay dedicated and you will reach your goals. just dont give up, its a slow process!

I used to feel the pain and the pump is not what it used to be . Am I doing something wrong?
what sort of pain??

Is there anything I can do to make the soreness after a workout go away?
its called DOMS...delayed onset muscle soreness.. happens to everyone when u work and tear up the muscles. providing your body with the essential nutrients helps them to grow as your muscles repair. I find that taking extra vitamin C and E as well as glutamine greatly lessens muscle soreness for myself.

What exactly are bulking and cutting, cycles. Please explain it to me!! Can you bulk and cut without steroids?
yes you can do this without steroids. bulking simply means eating above your daily needs to enduce muscle growth, some fat gain is usually eneviatable. cutting refers to the shedding of bodyfat to bring out more seperation once you have built up muscle.

I've been reading this forum and I posted pics of me and people said I should start to eat alot of calories. I know carbohydrates play a role in muscle building but if i eat alot of carbohydrates instead of proteins will I be gaining muscle?
in order to gain muscle you DO need to consume more food then you are now.. but this of course does not mean start pigging out everyday. you want to slowly increase the amount of food, as not to gain too much fat. and you need BOTH carbs and proteins AND essential fatty acids in order to grow!

How long does an average person bulk and cut??
depends on your body and progress.. if your a hard gainer, then perhaps longer, if you tend to gain fat easy maybe not as long. depends on your goals and progress, no set amounts of time.
i meant incline dumbell presses
on the first exercise on the chest..

oh ya.. i workout 6 days a week.. Do I eat alot on the days im on my break?

Im fidning it difficult to eat alot.. I feel like puking sometimes.. Does this seem normal?

Im starting to fear that Iwill not be able to loose the fat im planning on to gain.. I'm an easy gainer, i think.. My plan is to gain as much muscle as possible before reaching around 180 pounds.. I started to bulk around 150 and Ive gained almost 20 pounds.. I think most of its fat :/.. I mean i notice my biceps getting bigger and my back is getting larger but my chest is getting fatter and fatter