HELPP!! Need to stop sustanon 350 cycle after 2 injections!


New member
Hey fellas, I need some help here. This is my first cycle and Sustanon 350 is giving me horrible sides! Chills and fevers, night sweats and those damn injection pains! My ass cheeks are red and lumpy and I haven't been able to walk since my first injection! I might have an allergic reaction or something...I know that Sustanon has both long and short esters. Should I bother with PCT? I have Clomid, armidex, and hcg on hand. What should I do?

Thanks again.
Fluctuations will happen with short esters and test blends are known to cause "TEST FEVER", chills and such, but in your case it's rather to soon.. I would discontinue usage at once.. I wouldn't be concerned about HTPA shut down, as it barely influenced any negative signaling at 2 injections..

You could be having an immune response to the carrier oil.. Do you have any food allergies? I'm pondering if the carrier is a food derivative, or ethyl oleate....

I'd suggest taking some benadryl, see if that assist with your sides...
I don't have any allergies that I'm aware of, I took so ibuprofen and that seemed to help, I'm gonna stop this cycle. So should I not worry about any PCT, because sustanon does stay in the system for 2-3 weeks after last injection
U my friend will live.

Stop all exogenous intake of anything that ur not familiar with....pip, sweats, chills...and pinphobia ?

Take a deep breath and any benzo u can get ur hands on...