here are two senerios which is better??


New member
Ok follow my line of thinking:

#1 you have a good frame work of muscle, bodyfat is about 16 -17 percent so you could lose alittle fat. Lets say you decide to build more muscle this way it shows more on the same frame with the same bodyfat. The more you build the more it shows.

#2 you have a good frame work of muscle, bodyfat could be lower to show more defination and the muscle you have. You decide to diet and not build anymore just show off what you got more.

Ok now these two cases are they similar?? Either way you would be displaying a frame with nice muscle. SO which is the easier route to get that nice muscle defination look??????

which route would be better for looks wise? WHich route is easier to keep, and maintain and obtain???? Here is where I am at! I can go either way right now to achieve what I am after.
I would start with number 2. Loose some more body fat through diet and cardio, then if you want to build more do so. I was at 15% bf a few months ago and when a diet and lost it about 10 lbs.!!! It is a dramatic change you will see more definition the lower your bf is. If you were to build more muscle under a layer of fat it makes you look big and bulky.
This of course is personal preference but I agree with Barbie. If you lean down a bit more you get a better idea of what you actually have. It's always easier to stay at a higher bodyfat for most....eating is not that hard! But with a little bit of discipline you can stay at a lower one and still be healthy. Too low is something one cannot maintain for too long.
it all depends on your body.

i really dont like women who look too lean. i prefer a nice thick muscular frame with enough fat to keep the soft look.